If you have an old phone near the Tilt 24/7 it will export to the cloud - Google Sheets. But a Raspberry Pi Zero W will do this AND store the data locally which can be downloaded onto a USB device. It's in CSV format so can be opened with any spreadsheet. I'm logging every 15 minutes. Here is my current brew. This is live!
I only started this kit yesterday. Initially, the SG rises rapidly - this is due to bubbles attaching to the Tilt. But then it settles down. It records every 15 minutes.
Here is an earlier brew. Look at the 'REPORT' and 'CHART' tabs.
Here, the SG takes a sudden dive at the beginning but quickly sorts itself out.
I only started this kit yesterday. Initially, the SG rises rapidly - this is due to bubbles attaching to the Tilt. But then it settles down. It records every 15 minutes.
Here is an earlier brew. Look at the 'REPORT' and 'CHART' tabs.
Here, the SG takes a sudden dive at the beginning but quickly sorts itself out.