Tilt Hydrometer

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2020
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Lake District
OG was 1.060 and it’s been 3 days in FV seems unusually slow to ferment. I’ve done this recipe before so it seems odd. Has anyone found the tilt to be unreliable or could there be something else.


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I was very tempted by a tilt or similar, but after posting to some homebrew mates about them 3 people offered me theirs for free as they didn't want them or had issue with them and wondered if I'd have better luck. I stick with the old way now and just pull the meter directly in the bucket towards the end of the Brew and leave it there.
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I have found my tilt to be very reliable at telling me when fermentation has started, slowed down and stopped. I don't rely on the actual readings but it helps to show how things are progressing. I especially think it works well at the top and bottom end fermentation when things are slow. Did the tilt read 1.060 when you started?
I have found my tilt to be very reliable at telling me when fermentation has started, slowed down and stopped. I don't rely on the actual readings but it helps to show how things are progressing. I especially think it works well at the top and bottom end fermentation when things are slow. Did the tilt read 1.060 when you started?
It was brilliant at first but the last couple of brews I’ve had some mental readings. I’m not sure if I’m calibrating correctly.
The calibration shouldn't stop the reading changing though.
The quick way of calibrating I do is to just take a hydrometer reading when adding the wort to the fermenter, then just adjust the tilt to read the same. Seems to work well enough for me
I have the ispindle and is very accurate. It can be out by a few points on some brews due to krausen hardening on the lid and affecting the results but even then gives a very good indication of fermentation activity starting and slowing down.
It was brilliant at first but the last couple of brews I’ve had some mental readings. I’m not sure if I’m calibrating correctly.
Not sure if the calibration method is the same as the ispindle, but is there any chance any of the internal components have moved or shifted when you have been opening for cleaning/charging ? That works out the calibration out
Similar experience on my latest brew. Started at 1.044 and cooled down to 14c as it’s a lager, a week on and it has passed 1.000 and still dropping. It’s in a 30L All Rounder with about 2psi on it. Not pressure fermenting, I just like the convenience of the closed transfer.

Now the crazy thing is it’s still active and producing co2

A sample drawn off and tested with two different hydrometers gives me a reading of 1.040

For the last four brews it has operated perfectly, but gone nuts this time.

Tempted to open the FV and replace it with another tilt just to see how it compares. Any oxygen introduced would be expelled pretty quick as the fermentation is still active.
How convenient a posting about a Tilt. I've moved to stainless FV even though I have a latest gen Tilt I have to stand next to it to get a reading and I'll be damned if I'm paying another 80 quid for a repeater. The house has been full of expletives this weekend especially with the calibration and changing the battery. I'd probably look at Brewbrain which uses WIFI I will probably still use it and then still curse it. Luckily it was a present and I didn't fork out for it. Would I recommend one is the big question answer probably not but I'll use it cos I've got one that's about it.
How convenient a posting about a Tilt. I've moved to stainless FV even though I have a latest gen Tilt I have to stand next to it to get a reading and I'll be damned if I'm paying another 80 quid for a repeater. The house has been full of expletives this weekend especially with the calibration and changing the battery. I'd probably look at Brewbrain which uses WIFI I will probably still use it and then still curse it. Luckily it was a present and I didn't fork out for it. Would I recommend one is the big question answer probably not but I'll use it cos I've got one that's about it.
Could you get a raspberry pi and set it up to receive the tilt readings? Would still cost £20 but might be worth it?
My tiltpi stopped connecting to my network when I went to virgin media and I can't work out how to fix it despite trying loads of things and getting advice from the manufacturer. Shame as it was working really well. Also mine drains batteries badly at the moment, although they were a job lot of batteries off ebay so it could be them.

Apart from those problems I think it is great!
My tiltpi stopped connecting to my network when I went to virgin media and I can't work out how to fix it despite trying loads of things and getting advice from the manufacturer. Shame as it was working really well. Also mine drains batteries badly at the moment, although they were a job lot of batteries off ebay so it could be them.

Apart from those problems I think it is great!
Yeah mine was OK just mucking about now which is infuriating as its supposed to go in and then give readings. It could be a number of factors its playing up. But now have to rely on the old hydrometer and doing it that way to check if Tilt is working which seems pointless.
I'm a Luddite and what a lot of money just to tell you the gravity and then you find they are not that accurate after some time, I think I will leave £120 plus in my pocket thankyou

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