Thoughts on Newcastle Brown clone

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New Member
Oct 24, 2024
Reaction score
East Sussex, UK
Morning all.

Just received my Newcastle Brown clone all grain recipe kit from Crossmyloof - hoping to get her started at the weekend.

Just a quick question though, the recipe states that no additional hops required (comes with Goldings) but, and here I quote, “25g of Willamette will add a lovely fragrance” - now this sounds delicious so I added some to my basket. However now I’m preparing my recipe it occurs to me that I don’t know if they mean to add in the boil, at flame out, dry hop even? Or anything in between…?!

Does anyone have any experience with these hops and brown ale styles? Or any advice in general?

Much appreciated in advance!!
I have a mate who had just made the CML Newcastle brown kit, and said it was Marvellous. I have insisted he save me a bottle.

We can compare notes.
That’s very good to hear - do you know if he opted for the additional Willamette hops?

I am very much looking forward to kicking her off on Saturday. Might even bring my brew day forward if I can find some time Friday. I don’t use a wort chiller, so will need to leave her to cool naturally in the kettle before decanting to my fermzilla - the extra 12 hours can be a real test for my patience, so often best to leave it over night!

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