Let's see... so bottled Greene King IPA is the work of the devil. Let's assign a value of 666 to it. Your worst ever, most disastrous brew is a power of two better than that, giving a wellbeing quotient of 333.
It's paying off well for me To be fair I'm mainly a wine and cider maker, so I haven't had to spend hundreds of pounds on equipment for AG brewing. Well, I've maybe spent £100-ish on demijohns and FVs and all that other equipment, and various chemicals, but that's well paid off by now! A bottle of wine or cider for under 50p with the added bonus of me actually liking it :thumb: is brilliant! Being able to make different drinks that aren't easily/cheaply available in the shops, like mead, blackberry cider, dandelion wine etc, is worth it too. Not having to buy overpriced, overtaxed, sugary commercial stuff is another plus. In fact, the only thing I dislike about the whole thing is getting labels off the bottles!