Well, I've been doing some sums. Since I started brewing again in Jan I've made 3 kits, have one in the FV and another to pick up when I visit my folks. I make that 5 kits bought and paid for, so about 200 pints. I've totted up all the equipment I've bought, most of it will last for a good while so I won't need to buy it again.
Now the cost...drumroll...I've worked it out to be about £250 give or take a few sundries. So that works out about £1.25 a pint. So there you go, now I have my kit together, and have some stock building up the costs will only come down, and not only that its a satisfying fun hobby with an improving learning curve. Glad I started it up again.
Now the cost...drumroll...I've worked it out to be about £250 give or take a few sundries. So that works out about £1.25 a pint. So there you go, now I have my kit together, and have some stock building up the costs will only come down, and not only that its a satisfying fun hobby with an improving learning curve. Glad I started it up again.