Think twice if buying Apollo Unitank 30 Litres vs snub nose

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Aug 24, 2023
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The difference between UNitank 30 litres and snub nose is that, theoretically, you can remove settled yeast from the bottom. In reality, there is no space and you end up affecting the plug and it leaks badly. And the plunger obstructs the wide opening so you have to carefully pour malt, I usually use a funnel. If you place the lid incorrectly (one pod is outside the opening), then it opens wide and convenient to pour, but then you have to move the plunger before you can move the pod inside the opening and close it. This means part of the malt drains into the container for the yeast at the bottom...
I now probably would simply use kegs for pressure fermenting... And probably won't be concerned with yeast as, according to some sources, it takes months before yeast starts affecting the taste of IPA
Thanks for sharing this. A good warning for potential buyers.

Been sniffling around various fermentation vessels this past couple of weeks and decided against buying.

I have come to the same conclusions about kegs.

Ps. And agree about the yeast.
An update about Apollo - I got in touch with Keg King because the spigot used to secure the bottom of the fermenter to collect the yeast got detached when I started brewing leading to a spill of 1-2 pints of wort. They said in the email that they fixed the issue by sending new design spigots that should be detach and I should get it from the retailer I got the fermenter from. I sent email to The Malt Miller, waiting for reply
Still, it does not resolve the issue that you cannot use yeast collector once you started brewing unless there are additional legs to lift it higher
I think the conclusion is that pressure fermenting is best done in kegs.
Don't underestimate the power of being mesmerised by transparent pressure fermenter 😵‍💫
If the spigot comes fine and I find a way to attach additional legs to Apollo, then I will be hypnotysing my guests by the view into the brewing fermenter 🤪. Though any further expansions of the pressure fermenters are likely to be by kegs for the price, weight and shape benefits. Then I would think I will have to change RAPT Pill setting from WiFi to Bluetooth if I use kegs as WiFi seem not to pass through the metal wall of the fridge when I cold crush
This thread is getting to new age for me. My fermenters never get watched or have anything interblue-fi connected. I think it affects the taste too much.
i'm intrigued, what's the problem with kegs?and F/V's!!!!!

Nothing wrong with them. Had a fancy on for a 50L-ish conical. Looked at a couple and couldn't see the gain. Came to the conclusion I just don't need a fermentation vessel at all. As for pressure fermentation, I think it to is fine, but I again not for me.

I am going to concentrate on a turbo bottling process.