The TV Man Cometh - Now with a picture!

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Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Sunny Darlington
How do Gents

Tonight I've had a meeting in my shed with a man from the local beeb who is keen to do a piece for a "local interest" program on the brewing group and he's wanting to film me brewing an ale for our Christmas party. The beer is my Skylark Best Bitter which was voted as a contender for our "Beer Of the Year" prize. He's also planning on filming the winner of the competition being announced too.

I have, of course, told him about this place and will attempt an on screen "plug", as to whether it makes the final cut is anyone's guess but I'll try :cool:. I'll let you know when it's going to be aired.

Move over Morrisey and Fox the Barefoot Brewery is taking to the airwaves, wish me luck :lol:


Great news JP, best of luck with it. Just don't go telling the camera you're the mofo of beer :lol:
Ha ha ha

Given the standard of beeb journalism lately, I'll probably be portrayed as an evil clandestine brewer with his own "alcoden" getting the locals hooked on craft beers with free samples :lol:
J_P said:
Ha ha ha

Given the standard of beeb journalism lately, I'll probably be portrayed as an evil clandestine brewer with his own "alcoden" getting the locals hooked on craft beers with free samples :lol:

If it's Look North I'd do anything for Lara.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

All the best with it JP :thumb:

Maybe we should get some THBF Tee-Shirts made up pronto :rofl:
eskimobob said:
Just keep an eye out for the HMRC man a cometh - just to check like :lol:

He's perfectly welcome to pop over, in fact he's already visited our head honch
J_P said:
Go on - send me a transfer before Saturday and I'll put it on a black tee.

I'm seriously gonna try to get that done :thumb:
wow that's awesome :D

congrats JP

oh and put mofo to shame by showing them how it's REALLY done :clap:
Wez said:
J_P said:
Go on - send me a transfer before Saturday and I'll put it on a black tee.

I'm seriously gonna try to get that done :thumb:

Could you design a logo and put it on a black background and I'll print it out and stick it on my blackboard behind the pumps. I've offered the same service to Jim as well so get yer skates on :lol:

If you want a hand PM me and we can sort a logo or something out, I was thinking of something simple like the hop picture EB has put on the left of the forum with your web address written through it. I'll be out tonight but I'm off all day Friday.
Thats Cool JP - EB has come up with a few things - i'm sure he'll be in touch.

Thanks Mate :thumb:
Go J_P! One day simple home brewer, next day major TV celeb.

Good on ya mate. Hope it goes well. If you want to annoy the sound man do all the sound checks in a muted quiet voice, when they start filming use a loud voice. It winds them up no end. The same can be done with the cameraman. Wear a black T-shirt and make lots of the background dark, when they are just about to start pull a bright orange or red T shirt and put it on, unleash a suitably bright backdrop too. They'll love ya. :lol: :lol: :lol:

P.S. Try not to swear if something goes tit's. Laugh a bit, for some reason producers love people who laugh a little and carry on when something goes wrong-even if you've caught yourslef alight or accidently chopped a hand off. People having a minor wobble doesn't go down well. ;)

Well they've been and gone! They turned up over three hours late which I was none too chuffed about, I was all for telling them to sod off but they were very apologetic and got straight on with filming. Dave and Pete had had to mess around with their brews for the cameras, I was taking no such chances there was no way I was going to cock the brew up because of TV.

At one point I said to the interviewer chick that there was a good shot of the beer festival glass at which point she turned it away from the camera however between the four of them no one noticed the laminated Home Brew Forum (and Jim's) web address directly above her head on the blackboard :party:

We were all half cut by the time they turned up so I hope I didn't come across too pissed / Katona'd :lol: Oh and the funniest thing was that the sound guy was actually called Mike!
That sounds like great fun :grin:

Mike :rofl:
I think they're finishing filming on the 13th of December and it should be out before Christmas I think.

There are a few beer club related photos on the flickr site below if you're interested, lots of shiny in various sheds.