WillG3 said:
Could some kind expert please explain the process of racking a cider or point me to a thread which does so?
Its my first time attempting it and so would like to make sure I have a clear understanding before I attempt it
Where your cider has been fermenting it's been producing yeast. When it ferments itself out of sugar, the yeast drops to the bottom (along with any other fruit solids) and forms a sediment. Racking is simply syphoning the liquid off the sediment and into a new container.
You need a syphon tube from your local brew shop or Wilkinsons. The container you're syphoning into must be lower than the one you're syphoning from. Stick the syphon tube into the cider about half way down, suck the cider up the pipe making sure you get a nice tasty mouthful of your deadly brew and point the pipe into the new demijohn. Hold the syphon tube as steady as you can so as not to disturb the sediment at the bottom, and lower the tube as you need to so you get as much of the liquid out as you can. Don't worry about sucking a bit into the new container because it will drop to the bottom and you can always rack again at a later date for a perfectly clear brew.
I made a little angled stand for the demijohn so I could get every last little drop out: