The Most Expensive Pint Ever

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Feb 1, 2012
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West Dorset
Saw Muse at the O2 last night- fantastic concert.

In the bar beforehand they didn't have any beer- only Eurofizz- they should rename the place the CO2.

Nearest thing to beer was Hoegaarden in half pint/ 300ml bottles.

It was quite nice.

Three pints was £27.80 = £9.60 a pint.

@*%$ ?< !!

Made my eyes bleed.

Three pints was £27.80 = £9.60 a pint. :shock: :shock:

they want locking up for demanding money with menaces...... or daylight robbery
and i thought paying £4 a pint at the secc seeing kevin bridges was dear! they could probably charge £10 a pint and folk would still pay it.
this always brings me back to one of our local pubs who charge 4.50 a pint of peroni claiming it's "premium lager." oh, if only these people could see past crappy slogans.
can you do a brew for less than £384 for 40 pints....... :grin:

If marketing costs have got so far out of hand, isn't that a case for disbanding all the big commercial brewers and going back to lots and lots of small independant craft brewers....hmm hmm .
RobWalker said:
this always brings me back to one of our local pubs who charge 4.50 a pint of peroni claiming it's "premium lager." oh, if only these people could see past crappy slogans.

I must admit, I love peroni. I'd happily pay an extra 50p-£1 per pint extra to get it. I've paid £4.50 in the past, up in inverness, but my other option was carling at £3.90 a pint lol.
abeyptfc said:
and i thought paying £4 a pint at the secc seeing kevin bridges was dear! they could probably charge £10 a pint and folk would still pay it.

I wouldn't call that wee plastic glass a pint ;)

You're right though, I didn't feel half as ripped off as the other folks at the other bar that didn't have draught. They were paying the same for a bottle.
Thats the REAL problem and why this country is in a mess

people just bend over and get shafted over and over again. if everybody walked out and refused to pay £9.00 a pint it would soon be back down to normal but NO!!!!!!!

I was in my local garage the other day and the kid in front bought 20 B&H.....

I nearly feel through the floor when i heard the price £8.10.......

not being a smoker i never looked at the price of fags. I said "wouldnt it be cheaper just to jump in front of a bus rather that kill yourself the slow expensive way.

He didnt find it as funny as i did. What kind of muppet pays £8.10 and burns them one at a time?

reminds me of the old Smash adverts

They hand over all their money He he he he
and then set light to them Ha ha ha ha
and when they have burnt them all Ho ho ho ho
They go and buy another packet :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
£27.80 FFS! That's more than 25kg of crisps Maris otter!!!
Unbelievable robbing muddier plungers hahaha! iPad autocorrect :thumb: guess the word lol!
They only get the money if people hand it over. ;)
I have been know to say "O dear, sorry I am not prepaired to pay that much" and walk away, gets a great reaction. :lol:
I went to a pub in Whiteley once, as I was driving back from a job interview I asked for a pint of Lemonade. I nearly hit the deck when the barman asked for £3! £3 for a pint of Lemonade! Back home (I'm from the Rhondda Valley) it would be all of a quid! I hate living down south, everything is so expensive and there are no mountains :(

The most expensive pint I ever bought was in Sweden in the late 80's. It was £10 (100Kr) THEN. I was only there for a couple of days then over to Norway and back home, Norway was better only £5 a pint. (I was working in field service then, and liked to try the local brews) No way would I pay that now, pint glass of diluting orange & water is normally under £1 if the beer is stupid prices or all just fizzy pop anyway.
Slightly off topic We have just returned from Las Vegas and visited the Wynn Hotel, a single Glenmorangie malt whisky was a very reasonable $40 (Service tip not included ) An eye watering £26
It brings the great escape to mind but quite the opposite really, has anyone got some trouser length demi long john's so we can sneak beer into pricey nights out :rofl:
Maccano Magic said:
It brings the great escape to mind but quite the opposite really, has anyone got some trouser length demi long john's so we can sneak beer into pricey nights out :rofl:

That's a great website you got there Mac :thumb: Love the staircase! :clap: :clap:


I once paid 9 euros for a pint in Paris in 2003. Accounting for inflation, thats eye-watering.

And the ruddy waiter even pretended he didnt speak English, the swine!