The joy of brewery polypins

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Sep 12, 2011
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I knew I was going to get a bit of sediment from the poly pin of Hooky Gold I bought from the brewery but I didn't quite realise how much!!!

Already cloudy residue after taking the box apart:

Lots more to wash of the bag bit:

Good sludgy looking dregs:

Now with added 1.020 DME wort:

Hopefully I'll get a nice crop from that and I'll get an Old Hooky clone on the go. One of my all time favourite beers... :thumb:
The only remaining question is... I keep the bag bit of the poly and lash half a brew in it in future?
calumscott said:
The only remaining question is... I keep the bag bit of the poly and lash half a brew in it in future?

Yes, if you enjoyed the beer you bought there is no reason you can't do the same with the beer you make. I know I'm totally biased but I still think it's the best way to drink home brewed beers.
Thanks Dennis, worth keeping the boxy bit too to stop UV skunking then I guess... off to the shed it goes! :thumb:

Actually, this makes perfect sense when brewing these 40l batches. Drop 20l to a poly and bottle the rest for future supping. :)
calumscott said:
Thanks Dennis, worth keeping the boxy bit too to stop UV skunking then I guess... off to the shed it goes! :thumb:

Actually, this makes perfect sense when brewing these 40l batches. Drop 20l to a poly and bottle the rest for future supping. :)

Always found the boxes a pain in the a*se. In over 30 years never had a skunk beer. I store in a garage with no direct sun light and also think the opaque colouring of the plastic helps.
Cool, well I'll keep it until it fails to hold its shape anymore, whence it shall become chiminea lighters... :lol:
Nice one Calum. Free yeast and a polypin to reuse :party: :party:
Years ago a friend run an off licence that sold beers from polypins, bring your own container, he used to give me the finished polypins for brewing but I never used the yeast. Pre internet days and although I would cultivate yeast from bottles at that time I was unsure how to go about it from the pins.