The increasing pull of the Dark Side

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Well the day is almost here, after 3 kits and one extract brew I have just got from the Worcester Hop Shop, their ingredient kit for the Timothy Taylor clone and Dave O's Christmas Cracker.

Now having all these ingredients sitting there just saying to me 'go on build that mash tun and have fun with us' means I just have to take the plunge.

One FV, two old camping bed rolls, some pipe all sitting there ready to make it :wha: so no excuses now, I just have to take the plunge.
Go for it guys the results are good and once you get going it all makes sense, it's not as difficult as you may think :thumb:

..... after all I can do it :wha:
I had exactly the same urges and did what you have done - bought the TTL clone from worcesterhopshops. I have now made it up and believe me, after making kits for ages, the difference is immeasurable. Its like the difference between eating moldy stale old bread and a fresh out of the oven loaf.

The only difference was that I didn't want to (or couldn't be bothered) to go the whole all grain 3 vessel route so I tried the BIAB method (, making a boiler from an FV, and the result, as I have said was superb as well as being cheap and easy.

For anyone in two minds about whether to give it a try, don't even hesitate - get on with it now - you won't be disappointed!
Well today the build starts on the mash tun, well it will if I can find the energy to go out in the snow to get some duct tape.
The snow got in the way and I ended up insulating the fv yesterday so here is the cumpleted tun.


Over 90 minutes with only water it in it dropped from 66.7 to 64.3 so a 2.4 deg C loss, which I am guessing is going to be ok when the extra thermal mass of the grain is added in. Am I reasonable in assuming this ?
Well, Tun built, boiler already there, Worcester Hop Shop kits for Tim Taylor Landlord and Dave O's Christmas cracker are sitting there waiting to be done.

First AG Brewday going to happen in two weeks time when I am off from work, and if the Birthday and Christmas fairey's provide a feew £££s then I will be getting my first Corney (or two) to start the shiney things route.

Oh fun days ahead ! :drunk:
i done my first ag around 2 weeks ago its now no its second ferment . i hhad to have a sneek taste and hell wot a beer . better than any kit. and even some i had in pubs :drink:
gsidford said:
The snow got in the way and I ended up insulating the fv yesterday so here is the cumpleted tun.


Over 90 minutes with only water it in it dropped from 66.7 to 64.3 so a 2.4 deg C loss, which I am guessing is going to be ok when the extra thermal mass of the grain is added in. Am I reasonable in assuming this ?

Looks familiar that :thumb: I squirted some expanding foam inbetween the camping mat and bucket too.
I have used two layers of camping mats and guessed that would probably be enough but the foam is a good idea. I will see how this performs in the 'real' world before making any more changes to it.
redbenson111 said:
I had exactly the same urges and did what you have done - bought the TTL clone from worcesterhopshops. I have now made it up and believe me, after making kits for ages, the difference is immeasurable. Its like the difference between eating moldy stale old bread and a fresh out of the oven loaf.

The only difference was that I didn't want to (or couldn't be bothered) to go the whole all grain 3 vessel route so I tried the BIAB method (, making a boiler from an FV, and the result, as I have said was superb as well as being cheap and easy.

For anyone in two minds about whether to give it a try, don't even hesitate - get on with it now - you won't be disappointed!

Ahh quality another biab brewer I was wondering how many of us were here!!

I did exactly as you with regards to building a nice big boiler, works a treat.

I've only done 3 AG brews and have tasted 2, amazing!!!

Nice mash tun gsidford, good luck with the first AG have fun with it :cheers:

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