The Coronavirus thread.

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The insurance companies here have pulled out the, 'Act of God' card out of the hat for those wanting to cancel holidays and get a refund. I bet there are a lot of people blaming God, and probably the same amount praying to be saved. If there is a God I bet he is wishing he hadn't made us!
One big supermarket has anounced they will close at 10pm so shelves can be stocked during the night, looks like there will be queues in the morning before opening time, I hope they clamp down on these panic buying morons.
We have had fights, spitting at staff one knifing of a staff member. The panic buying morons should be treated, and charged like looters.
Please don't use 12,% bleach. It's harmful and dangerous. Household bleach is 1 percent or less and still needs to be diluted. If you start using 12%bleach you will ruin all your surfaces and damage your skin.
It's 4.2% bleach to start with then further diluted 8 parts water to 1 part bleach.
Sorry to put a downer on the numbers but the government estimated 80% of the population to get it and 1% of those will die makes half a million deaths so 20,000 is very optimistic. Also bad news there have been people in there 30s who recovered with severe long term lung damage without having severe symptoms. The news based on real numbers it just getting worse outside of South Korea.

I know this is pretty bad but you need to take a minute and take a walk or something, you are just perpetuating fear and worry.

I'm not saying people aren't dying but you are making seem like the the end of humanity. 80000 cases in China out of 1B population. Rate of infection slowing in Italy. The numbers you quote are the absolute worst case scenario, if we are all responsible and do as we are informed then this shouldn't cost to many more lives than the flu.

Take some deep breaths and stop panicking.

Edit. Spelling
I'm sorry I'm not following you. The bleach they use in work is 12.5% bleach mixed to 87.5% water.
It's a major pathology company. The biggest in Australia. I presume they know what they're doing.
At least I bloody hope they do, as I've visited the Covid 19 test centre four times this week.
Yes, but it is further diluted before use! My point is taking this stuff home from work or buying it from an industrial supplier is dangerous for home use. The correct 'strength' for wiping surfaces is 50ppm to 100ppm. so 12.5% bleach (typical commercial strength) would need to be diluted 1,250 to 2,500 times.

Domestos is about 4.5% sodium hypochlorite. Their instructions say,

"For sinks, squirt the bleach into plugholes until it overflows. Leave for 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly. For diluted usage for the disinfection of floors and surfaces dilute 120ml of Domestos bleach per 5 litres of water. Do not use neat on floors. To sanitise dishcloths and sponges, dilute 60ml of Domestos bleach in half a bucket of water for soaking. To bleach whites, dilute 20ml of Domestos bleach per 5 litres of water and leave the cloth for overnight soaking before rinsing."
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Yes, but it is further diluted before use! My point is taking this stuff home from work or buying it from an industrial supplier is dangerous for home use. The correct 'strength' for wiping surfaces is 50ppm to 100ppm. so 12.5% bleach (typical commercial strength) would need to be diluted 1,250 to 2,500 times.

Domestos is about 4.5% sodium hypochlorite. Their instructions say,

"For sinks, squirt the bleach into plugholes until it overflows. Leave for 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly. For diluted usage for the disinfection of floors and surfaces dilute 120ml of Domestos bleach per 5 litres of water. Do not use neat on floors. To sanitise dishcloths and sponges, dilute 60ml of Domestos bleach in half a bucket of water for soaking. To bleach whites, dilute 20ml of Domestos bleach per 5 litres of water and leave the cloth for overnight soaking before rinsing."
You're mis-reading Pete's post, which I can see is easy to do. He says they start with the bleach linked to in his post, which is this (I think this is the part you missed):

When he says "12.5% bleach", he means 12.5% of that bleach in the link plus the rest water.
You're mis-reading Pete's post, which I can see is easy to do. He says they start with the bleach linked to in his post, which is this (I think this is the part you missed):

When he says "12.5% bleach", he means 12.5% of that bleach in the link plus the rest water.
You are correct. Thanks for clearing this up. I just did not want others to start using very strong mixes.
Morrison's are employing 3500 new staff for picking and delivery. That will be a great positive for a lot of people.
In my area, Tesco have no delivery slots available right through to April 7th!
Well, having seen the pictures of empty shelves, I've just been out and bought a load of toilet rolls. Call it panic buying if you like, it just seemed a sensible precaution to me.

There's a big problem, though. I've spent an hour online looking for recipes for them, and I can't find any. I'm guessing they must go well with pasta, as there doesn't seem to be much of that about either. If any members have personal favourite recipes, I'd be very grateful if you passed them on. They're the plain white, non-cushioned sort, if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance
Bill :coat:
Message from a friend in Belgium on FB, Talking of civilian making of masks for those more at risk.
Well barred from the office I've ventured down my SE London high street to do my bit for local business with the money I'm saving on commuting. Just bought a lovely load of proper bacon, black pudding, Toulouse sausages, biltong, duck eggs. Now in the boozer, plenty of older at risk folk in hete coughing and wheezing. Next stop the fishmongets as hoping to do some kind of Mediterranean fish stew for tea.
Civil mask be any use these would have to be sterilised before use...detergent, boiled or irradiated as are wound dressings after manufacture.
Well, having seen the pictures of empty shelves, I've just been out and bought a load of toilet rolls. Call it panic buying if you like, it just seemed a sensible precaution to me.

There's a big problem, though. I've spent an hour online looking for recipes for them, and I can't find any. I'm guessing they must go well with pasta, as there doesn't seem to be much of that about either. If any members have personal favourite recipes, I'd be very grateful if you passed them on. They're the plain white, non-cushioned sort, if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance
Bill :coat:
Schools in Scotland to all close on Friday, time to get bloody prepared


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Has anyone made up some Chemsan at the prescribed 10ml to 5L? Or is it not suitable?
I am 77 old silver haired women with a heart problem amongst other things and have voluntary decided to self isolate and I am having a ball, I have for years got everything ordered on line and delivered, so no probs there, have always got a well stocked larder and freezer, make my own bread and yogurt and of course WOW type wines. My hobby is quilting so I have an indeterminate number of UFOs (unfinished objects!) So I can't see me getting bored anytime soon. Lucky for me I have a positive attitude so I am just making the best of things and letting my British grit run loose, come on all you Brits we didn't let two world wars beat us are we going to let a nasty little Virus do it, not on your Nelly, off to decant a couple of bottles of wine, cheers
I don’t think my place will ever close. They’d rather us all get sick and die.

Anyone can shed any light on sick pay? Did they say yesterday that they’ll pay us full pay if you have to self isolate etc?
I don’t think my place will ever close. They’d rather us all get sick and die.

Anyone can shed any light on sick pay? Did they say yesterday that they’ll pay us full pay if you have to self isolate etc?

If you are entitled to full pay (contractually) i think you will get it if you are on SSP its £93 per week.

Will I get sick pay when self isolating?

The Budget 2020, revealed on Wednesday 11 March, outlined the financial support that would be available to those affected by coronavirus.

Statutory sick pay (SSP) “will now be available for eligible individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 or those unable to work because they are self-isolating in line with Government advice”.

The extended SSP will be available for all those who are advised to self-isolate, even if they haven’t yet presented with symptoms.

This announcement goes hand-in-hand with the change announced by the prime minister on March 4 that SSP will be payable from day one instead of day four for affected individuals.

Boris Johnson told MPs: “I can today announce that the Health Secretary will bring forward, part part of our emergency legislation measures, to allow the payment of statutory sick pay from the very first day you are sick instead of four days under the current rules.

“No one should be penalised for doing the right thing.”

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The first human vaccine trial is about to get under way, a little positive amongst all the negative stuff on the news.

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