I posted this early on in the thread when lockdown started, i am glad they have come down hard on them, why should they be any different to all other pub landlords/ladies.
A pub has had its licence revoked for serving alcohol in defiance of the coronavirus lockdown measures.
The Pendulum, in Pendeford, Wolverhampton, had its licence suspended after police found evidence after being tipped off.
The licence holder was in "deliberate defiance" of the lockdown, West Midlands Police said.
Allowing him to continue would be "like leaving Ronnie Biggs in charge of Network Rail", a hearing was told.
Police barrister Gary Grant made the comment at a meeting of Wolverhampton City Council licensing sub-committee this week, the
Local Democracy Reporting Service said.
The pub's licensee is yet to comment on the case.
Licence holder Mr Soran Rostam had "deliberately and knowingly" broken the government's lockdown restrictions, Mr Grant explained.
The committee heard how police received an anonymous call on 28 March stating the pub had been open the day before, with up to 10 people drinking inside.
Officers visited the pub on 6 April and spotted three people inside, the committee was told, including a man who paid for two drinks at the bar and a woman who followed shortly after.
CCTV footage later obtained by police showed when officers had arrived, the man and woman had been let out the back door, police said.
Mr Rostam was issued with a coronavirus prohibition notice on 17 April and his licence was revoked on Wednesday.
Committee chairman councillor Alan Bolshaw, said he was "emphatic" that "the behaviour displayed was totally unacceptable".
Pubs were told to close by the government
on 20 March.