The link doesn't work :-(
You bugger you're tempting me.....
Is that soaking for an hour at a constant 75 degrees?
Sparge with the kettle back into the pot?
Next day bring pot to the boil, for an hour?
Cool to normal temps like when I pitch yeast?
That is bringing your strike water to 75 degrees.Place your grains in the pot which in theory should take your temp to around 67/68 degrees,cover the pot with blanket/coat etc and soak for an hour.
At 30 mins boil a kettle and let it cool whislt you are mshhing and temp should come down to around 75 degrees there abouts.
Remove the grains and place in a collander over the pot and gently pour the contents of the kettle all over the grains,remove and cover with clingfilm and then place the lid.
Next day bring pot to the boil,add hop additions which shall be teabags if it's Geterbrewed.The times will be eg.60 is start of boil,45 is 15 mins into boil,30 mins is halfway 15 is 45 mins into boil and 0 mins is the end of the boil(flameout).
You will also get some carageenan(finings) which should be added at 10 mins (50 mins into the boil).
Place pot in the sink with the plug out and a dish cloth placed over the plughole and run the cold water to cool and whilst doing this keep adjusting the flow on the tap until it levels the water just below the overflow on the sink and does not rise above.This will give you a constant flow of cold water without having to remove the pot to add cold water and add ice or cold blocks if you like to the water.
Once cooled to hand touch remove and place in the fermenter making sure there is 5 1/2 litres then pitch yeast when at 18/20 degrees.
If you want to bump up the volume add 2kg of liquid malt extract to the wort which can be added between 15 mins and flameout making sure to remove the pot temporarily from the flame to prevent scorching and top up FV to 20 litres.:thumb: