That's what I like to see!!!

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Jun 4, 2010
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Just read this article on Yahoo about beer sales plummeting in the UK and I found this last paragraph the most interesting!

"The decline in beer sales has been accompanied by a boom in home-brewing. The Home Brew Shop, Britain’s biggest retailer of kits, has said sales have increased by 46pc over the past year."

No wonder really given the ridiculous prices we have to pay over the bar!

Well done fellas :clap: good to see we're supporting out homebrew shops!

In the immortal words of Corporal Jones "They don't like it up'em!"
The bar-stewards have looked at homebrewing years back, but did nothing... :clap: :clap: but who knows if they think that they can make a bob or two of of us. :hmm:
If they do get their hands on it, I'll start a home brew army and overthrow the government by force feeding them lambic beers :sick: or anything with Brettanomyces in it :rofl:. They'll soon change their minds :twisted:
Don't know if it's in that article but I've read that sales of decent beer ("real ale" in media parlance) are actually growing and brewers like Fullers are still doing pretty well, not to mention the ever-growing number of micros.

It's the purveyors of fizzy pap who are suffering...

If they did try to go after homebrewers for tax, I think that would go down about as well as the Pasty tax...
It's true that "real ale" sales are on the up, however, the article was talking about beer across the board (including supermarkets etc)

IMO there are too many micro-breweries in the UK, at some point in the near future the bubble is going to burst, it's simply not sustainable. For example, in the USA there are somewhere in the region of 1600 breweries which serve a population five times greater than the UK, there are now over 900 micro-breweries in the UK (this obviously isn't including the big boys either) way too many!. To compound matters (if CAMRA are to believed!) there are about 50 pubs closing in the UK per week, if thats true, then the pure mathematics of it should say something about sustainability.

Ahhh rant over!!! :whistle:

(I realise nobody asked for that but I feel better :D )
Traditionally most of my work has been supplying framed items to pubs and this year the market has just dropped away so that probably bears true. :evil: :evil:

So it is not something I like to see. :cry: :cry:
Sorry to hear that GA :(, I was really directing it at the big Pub Co's etc who are destroying the pub trade. The pubs who I think we should be supporting are the free houses and pubs owned by small breweries. You normally get good value for money and the quality is normally far superior. I resent having to pay over £3 for pint of p*ss (to be honest I resent having to pay £3 :lol: )
Yep but its the big Pub Co's I work for.

I agree with you sentiments though, I wouldn't go into a Wetherspoon, Table Table or Sizzler if you paid me.
punch announced that theyre losing 1600 boozers from their estate today, so thats either housing, smaller pub co's or free houses on the way

ive seen month on month growth in the last three years :thumb:

i wholeheartedly agree on the bubble bursting post, its coming and it wont be pretty :(
I am always amazed at the pubs that serve lager in a beer glass and dont know the difference.

I paid £4 for a pint of lager last weekend and it was in a beer glass and flat as a f*rt :x

I sent it back after explaining the difference and the barmaid had no idea there even was a difference :roll:

I'm really not surprised that pubs are closing when you compare the price to homebrew.

But look out! The taxman has millions of useless civil servants doing pointless jobs to pay that all want to retire at 50 on full pay pensions so you have been warned.

They will get it out of you one way or another

(oh i love a good rant) :drink:

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