I have recently been given the data sheet for the youngs lager yeast and it has one sentance that I don't understand. It states final gravity loss may be achieved through lagering down to 10 degrees c. What does this mean? Does final gravity loss mean a final gravity that is higher or lower than expected? Also everything I have read suggests that lagering is performed at 4 degrees or there abouts, what do they mean?
I have also noticed the same sentance on the mauribrew lager yeast. Does that suggest that they are the same yeast or is this some universal step for lagers?
Once I have 5 posts I will post the datasheet for it as it was a right pita to get a hold of
Thanks for any help you can give me
I have recently been given the data sheet for the youngs lager yeast and it has one sentance that I don't understand. It states final gravity loss may be achieved through lagering down to 10 degrees c. What does this mean? Does final gravity loss mean a final gravity that is higher or lower than expected? Also everything I have read suggests that lagering is performed at 4 degrees or there abouts, what do they mean?
I have also noticed the same sentance on the mauribrew lager yeast. Does that suggest that they are the same yeast or is this some universal step for lagers?
Once I have 5 posts I will post the datasheet for it as it was a right pita to get a hold of
Thanks for any help you can give me