Tea wine will not clear.

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New Member
Dec 14, 2012
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What am I missing here?

Racked it many times, added finings, filtered it, added campden and sorbate.......tried pectolase and amylase just to be sure!!! it clears for a couple of days, then hazes up again!!

I'm about to bin it.


Is all the sugar gone? A really strong yeast colony can defeat sorbate sometimes.
Temperature? I've heard of chill haze but never seen one.
Dunno really.
Yes but does it taste okay, if so bottle it and drink the sucker, sorry but i really dont get this obsession with getting crystal clear wine if it tastes good who cares, if you intend to enter it in a competition okay but to throw away wine just cos its a little hazy seems mad to me.
I used to worry about crystal clear wine but now couldnt give a rats....
jasea3632 said:
Yes but does it taste okay, if so bottle it and drink the sucker, sorry but i really dont get this obsession with getting crystal clear wine if it tastes good who cares, if you intend to enter it in a competition okay but to throw away wine just cos its a little hazy seems mad to me.
I used to worry about crystal clear wine but now couldnt give a rats....

I agree here, the only time I've chucked brews is because they have gone seriously wrong.
Try drinking a few glasses..

can you post a pic? some of the other members might be able to tell whats happening to it.