The Doom Bar thread made me wonder how many commercial beers members have tried and liked then having bought the same in bottles or cans have been disappointed.
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I think quite a lot of the difference can be down to the increased carbonation in the bottle. Poured into a jug first from a height before glass I find helps. Still not quite the same I'm sure for a number of other reasons.I did an experiment recently where I took a cask beer (was a session IPA) and force carbonated further some in a plastic bottle and served it at fridge temperature and it went very tasteless, I was expecting the lower temp to do that to an extent but it was a very extreme difference. I had previously noticed that proper job is a very different beer at room and fridge temp but nothing compared to this session IPA. Proper job cask to bottle is a different beer (1% ABV difference) but there both nice. I can't think of a direct comparison of the same beer but I always find the big brewery bitters taste much more sterile (not the best word but the best I can think of) when bottled compared to cask.