SWMBO/YBH/The missus... does she share your passion?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2012
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And by that, I don't mean in a 50 Shades style... ;)

When I first started out with this home brew thing, I was kinda expecting it to be a solo endeavour with the wife just reaping some of the "rewards" so to speak. But what I've found to my surprise is that she's taking quite an active interest in it, to the extent of helping me with the bottling and scouring the shelves of Tesco to see what juices etc. could be used for wines! It's not the first time it's happened either... she's also on the club team of the car club I help run, once again of her own volition.

Now I'm not knocking this, far from it... often in life it seems that the interests of you and your partner seem to take very different roads, so it's quite nice when you share the same passion for a new interest. But is this a unique thing? Am I just lucky to have a wife that loves the same things I do?

What about you and yours? :)
Your very lucky indeed. My wife and I have very little in common concerning interests and hobbies she doesn't drink and doesn't like the taste of beer :D
I like walking and Nature... take my wife to the top of the Grand Canyon and she would say Very nice... where's the shops !
She likes going to see West End Musicals... I'd rather pull me toe nails out.
She's refined.... I'd be a slob if she let me.... :whistle:

However we have managed we've been married 40 yrs now.... :shock:
My wife is supportive of my wine making acivities, mainly because she gets to consume a high proportion of the output, but is only tollerant of my beer making because she doesn't drink beer. However she does like the smell of hops, so she loves brewdays as the hop smell permeates throughout the house. I think she would draw the line if I were to suggest setting up a bar in our kitchen. So the cornies are relegated to the shed, :cry:
They knocked my local down just before we moved in... they're building houses on it now :(
Mine loves the wine but just tollerates the beer making. She huffs and puffs if I spill any, use any utensils or mess up anything in the kitchen, she hates the smells, the space it takes up and the bottles. I can only really do brewdays when she is out for the day

However if we have friends round or a BBQ, she wants to make sure that there is enough in to go round, especialy the wine. (Ken Ridge Classic kits are the doggies danglies).
My Mrs is a conundrum - she's happy to drink the wine I make, and happy to drink the beer if it's light enough, but HATES me brewing - she moans about it constantly.

She accepts that homebrewing is way cheaper than buying booze, and even though cash is tight, would rather I didn't brew wine so that the temptation isn't there to drink, BUT, if I don't have wine bottled and ready, she just goes straight to the supermarket and buys wine! Temptation my ass!!

So I stick to trying to brew when she's away somewhere, and when I can't do that, I do an overnight mash, get up early, and am mostly done by the time she's up.

Cornies are relegated to the shed, and bottles are relegated to the garage.
My Wife is fairly supportive although she usually manages to be out when I am brewing but will help when it comes to bottling and when ever she go's near wilkinsons she usually brings me home caps :)

And always more than happy to help empty the bottles... :drunk:
I have to say the missus has been very supportive of my brewing. She loves to try any of my new batches.

She believes it keeps me out of mischief and she prefers me drinking at home as it is cheaper lol. :drink:

However imagine my susrprise when after trying my latest beer, she asks " Would you like to make beer from the start"

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Well I feel the darside calling me now!! Time to start hoarding new shiny things!!!!! :whistle:
Wife's o.k with it, she allows me to do it up the back passage at the side of our house. ;)

BarnsleyBrewer said:
Wife's o.k with it, she allows me to do it up the back passage at the side of our house. ;)


And the brewing :whistle: :whistle:
BigYin said:
My Mrs is a conundrum - she's happy to drink the wine I make, and happy to drink the beer if it's light enough, but HATES me brewing - she moans about it constantly.

That's my case too. The result is ok but not the process. But I'm too old to worry about women.