Sweepings Ale

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Jul 31, 2008
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This is a brew for tomorrow. I was going to do something more conventional but am short on Maris Otter so I'm using up bits and pieces.

The Promash recipe formulation gives IBU's at 53.4 which again differs to other calculations with 80g Fruggles @ 4.5 AA giving 30-32IBU's. Any advice or observations welcome.

Batch Size (L): 23.00 Wort Size (L): 23.00
Total Grain (kg): 4.33
Anticipated OG: 1.042 Plato: 10.59
Anticipated SRM: 6.7
Anticipated IBU: 53.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Mash time : 90 mins
Wort Boil Time: 90 mins

% Amount Name Potential SRM
11.6 0.50 kg. Malted Oats 1.030 2
60.1 2.60 kg. Maris-Otter 1.038 5
5.8 0.25 kg. Pilsener Malt 1.038 2
11.0 0.48 kg. Carapils Malt 1.033 5
4.6 0.20 kg. Amber Malt 1.032 35
6.9 0.30 kg. Torrified wheat 1.036 3
Amount Name Alpha IBU Boil Time
80.00 g. Fuggles 4.50 45.1 90 min
27.00 g. Styrian Goldings 5.25 8.2 15 min
20.00 g. Cascade Whole 7.10 0.0 0 min

DCL Yeast S-04 SafAle English Ale with starter of 200g DME.
Cheers W got off to a later start than planned but am fully breakfasted, weighed up and waiting for the HLT to come to temp. I brought the MT indoors last night and am preheating with two kettles of boiled water. Trying the Cascade as an aroma hop. What do you think about the quantity, more or less :?:
20g at flameout sounds OK to me :thumb:

I'd maybe add some at 15 mins though as well along with the styrains, maybe 10g :hmm:
Cascades I've got loads :thumb: so I'll do it W. Nothing lost it's a bit of an experiment anyway.

I'm reducing the Fruggles to 60g to take into account AA% so additional Cascade should be OK.

Nice fine day up here for a change. Got the car to wash while the boil's on. If wifey brings it back that is.
Sounds like your all set out for a great day - i'm working from home :(
Enjoyed it, a nice bright day, result 22l @1040, just a little under target. The sample has that biscuity taste from the amber malt which I like.

Glad you enjoyed your day K :thumb: thats what it's all about :D

What hop schedule did you go for in the end?

Did those cascades smell lovely or what!
60g Fruggles @ 4.5 AA 90 min
27g Styrian Golding @ 2.7 AA 15min
11g Cascade @7.1 AA 15 min
20g Cascade FO

Cascade W, well it depends who you ask. My neighbour came over and had a look, I said smell these Jean what do you think :?: Being a straight forward country lass she said they reminded her of "cow *****". I asked my missus, she said no "sweaty feet".

I thought they had a wonderful fresh, grassy, citrus nose.

Women :?:
I had to read that twice, thought you had asked her to "smell these Jeans" :shock:

I think they're lovely - my 2008 fave hop :thumb:
I like the smell of cascade but to me, nothing beats the aroma of Nelson sauvin hops. They are completely unique compared to other hops. I've not been as brave as A T and used them for bittering but i use them in ALL my sumeer/pale ales. Combined with Cascade as bittering they make a wonderful Pale Ale.
Glad you had a good one. Like the idea of Amber Malt, must get some :thumb:
Thanks Ian. I used amber malt previously on a ripped Marc Ollosson brew Hunky Dory and am a fan. This ended up very well and didn't last long.

4.200k Maris Otter
.450 Amber Malt
.300 Torrified Wheat

Mash 90 mins @ 65 degrees

Boil time 90 mins

21.5g Target @ SOB
19g Challenger @ 15mins
20g Saaz at FO

23L @1050 OG Finished SG 1010