Afternoon all... my first attempt at a brew day write-up after I spent Sunday knocking up a West Coast IPA.
Grain Bill:
Wyeast 1056 American Ale, starter built 3 days before brew day with a target pitch rate of 0.75million cells/ml.
The Brew Day
After a quick spin on the bike in the early morning sunshine and then it was time to get brewing. Unfortunately, with all the wet weather we've had recently the garage has become a bit damp recently so the day started with giving everything a pretty deep clean to make sure there was nothing nasty that was going to cause any problems but a little later than planned everything was ready to go:
One new addition to the brew house:
False bottom for the GrainFather so that I no longer have to use the hop spider as I was convinced it was having a pretty significant impact on hop utilisation but whenever I had tried to run without it pumping out was painfully slow.
Mash and sparge water was measured out and whilst it was heating up to strike temperature I did a check on the alkalinity and calcium content and then added acid/salts to target a mash pH of 5.5, 300ppm of sulphate and 100ppm of chloride. Also added half a crushed campden tablet.
Once it had reached 67degC, it was time to mash in, begin the recirculation and leave it for 60 minutes at 65degC:
A quick check on the pH after 15 minutes indicated everything was about where it should be (albeit tested with a not entirely easy to read pH strip, Santa has bought me a digital pH meter but I've not got round to calibrating it yet).
Once 60 minutes were up, temperature was raised to 75degC for the 10 minute mash out. Then it was on to sparging:
With sparing complete and the wort brought to the boil it was time for the first hop addition:
More hop additions at 10 minutes and 5 minutes then it was time to cool down to 75degC (took roughly 4 minutes) and add the hop stand addition:
After 30 minutes, the wort was transferred to the fermenter via the counterflow chiller at 17degC and aerated with the aeration paddle:
At this point I measured the OG (1.053) and realised I had made a bit of an error with my recipe... I had been targeting 1.057 and was surprised to be so far off as I'm never normally more than 0.001 away. A quick check of the recipe on the Grainfather app highlighted the issue, I had accidentally calculated the recipe with an efficiency of 86% instead of the normal 80%.
Worried that the 59IBUs of hops would be a bit out of balance with the lower OG, I quickly boiled up 250g of corn sugar in some water and added that to the fermenter once it had cooled, which bought the OG back to the target of 1.057. All of that suggests I should probably start measuring the pre-boil OG to help spot any such issues before adding the hops.
Finally, yeast was pitched and it was time to clean up with a pint of my previous brew (a Golden Ale):
Grain Bill:
- Pale Malt (Crisp) - 4kg
- Light Munich Malt (Crisp) - 0.75kg
- Caramalt (Crisp) - 0.25kg
- Corn Sugar - 0.25g (this was a rather late addition as explained later on...)
- 18g Magnum - 60mins
- 10g Centennial, 10g Simcoe & 5g Nelson Sauvin - 10mins
- 10g Centennial, 10g Simcoe & 5g Nelson Sauvin - 5mins
- 30g Centennial, 30g Simcoe & 15g Nelson Sauvin - 30min hop stand at 75degC
Wyeast 1056 American Ale, starter built 3 days before brew day with a target pitch rate of 0.75million cells/ml.
The Brew Day
After a quick spin on the bike in the early morning sunshine and then it was time to get brewing. Unfortunately, with all the wet weather we've had recently the garage has become a bit damp recently so the day started with giving everything a pretty deep clean to make sure there was nothing nasty that was going to cause any problems but a little later than planned everything was ready to go:

One new addition to the brew house:

False bottom for the GrainFather so that I no longer have to use the hop spider as I was convinced it was having a pretty significant impact on hop utilisation but whenever I had tried to run without it pumping out was painfully slow.
Mash and sparge water was measured out and whilst it was heating up to strike temperature I did a check on the alkalinity and calcium content and then added acid/salts to target a mash pH of 5.5, 300ppm of sulphate and 100ppm of chloride. Also added half a crushed campden tablet.
Once it had reached 67degC, it was time to mash in, begin the recirculation and leave it for 60 minutes at 65degC:

A quick check on the pH after 15 minutes indicated everything was about where it should be (albeit tested with a not entirely easy to read pH strip, Santa has bought me a digital pH meter but I've not got round to calibrating it yet).
Once 60 minutes were up, temperature was raised to 75degC for the 10 minute mash out. Then it was on to sparging:

With sparing complete and the wort brought to the boil it was time for the first hop addition:

More hop additions at 10 minutes and 5 minutes then it was time to cool down to 75degC (took roughly 4 minutes) and add the hop stand addition:

After 30 minutes, the wort was transferred to the fermenter via the counterflow chiller at 17degC and aerated with the aeration paddle:

At this point I measured the OG (1.053) and realised I had made a bit of an error with my recipe... I had been targeting 1.057 and was surprised to be so far off as I'm never normally more than 0.001 away. A quick check of the recipe on the Grainfather app highlighted the issue, I had accidentally calculated the recipe with an efficiency of 86% instead of the normal 80%.
Worried that the 59IBUs of hops would be a bit out of balance with the lower OG, I quickly boiled up 250g of corn sugar in some water and added that to the fermenter once it had cooled, which bought the OG back to the target of 1.057. All of that suggests I should probably start measuring the pre-boil OG to help spot any such issues before adding the hops.
Finally, yeast was pitched and it was time to clean up with a pint of my previous brew (a Golden Ale):