stuff that's bothering me about my seventeenth brew so far

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
This is my first re-brew of a previous brew.

Look back at my notes and tweaked the recipe a bit.

I brewed a Hempen Ale.

Roasted Hemp seeds @ 200`C for about 15 min.

This went in with my Pale Malt, Munich Malt and Crystal Malt, Brew-In-Bag style this time.

Hopped with Chinook-60, Wiliamette-35 and Brambling Cross-10

Fermented with SAFALE US-05.

Hit about 85% eff. Made it to 5.2% abv. Primed to 2.6% CO2.

Had my first taste after about 3 weeks.

Crisp, clear, refreshing, almost no head-loss due to the oils in the hemp seeds, a very distict earthy taste with the Munich and Hemp together with a complex and rewarding bitter yet aromatic hop finish.

One of my best beers so-far, and way better than my first attempt done with extract.


Only thing bothering me on this one is that I only made 25 litres of the stuff.

BigYin said:
so, er, nothing bothering you about your brew then? :lol: :lol: :lol:


I started with the "stuff that's bothering me about me ??th brew so far" from my 1st brew, as I gathered that there'll be something that does bother me on every brew I do. (and others who could benefit from the experts' responsed to what was bothering me ?)

This is actually the 1st brew that nothing really bothered me, other than not doing a bigger batch like Baz Chaz said !

One of my initial concerns with this brew was the oil from the Hemp seed which could destroy the head, but the recipe is based on the one used by Steve Nordahl, former head brewer at Frederick Brewing Company, and used to be available commercially. He did alot of work on fine-tuning the hemp seed content to allow tha taste to come through, but to prevent the head-diminishing effects of the oil.

Roasting the hemp seeds also removes some of the oil and makes for a good earthy / nutty taste imparted to the brew.

Well worth it.

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