Stuck fermentation

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Active Member
Jan 21, 2013
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I'm a brewing newbie (my 4th brew) so please excuse me if this seems an obvious question :hat:

After just 3 days in the FV my Coopers Real Ale kit appeared to have stopped fermenting. The airlock had stopped bubbling and the levels had begun to even out again (I still had an airtight seal). I took a hydrometer reading and it was down to 1016, from an OG of 1036. This was still a little higher than I was expecting so I gave the FV a gentle swirl.

24 hours later and the airlock is bubbling away nicely again :clap:

Was this a stuck fermentation? If so I assume by doing what I did I won't harm my brew in any way?

Thanks, :cheers:
Could have been yeah. Most people will say give a stuck ferment a gentle stir in the first instance before pitching a new yeast starter!
Hmm, hadn't thought about a yeast starter. Better get some spare yeast in case this happens in a future brew and a little swirl doesn't do the trick.

Thanks! :clap:
I tend to just leave the FV for a week before even looking at it. If after 7 days it's not below 1.014 then I would do as you have. Give it a gentle stir (no splashing) and then check the temp is correct 18-21C. Re-check the SG in 3 days (it should've dropped) and again in another 3 days. If the two SG readings are the same i'd bottle it.