Stuck fermentation?

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New Member
Nov 20, 2012
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Hi guys, I've had a Youngs Kit fermenting for about 2 weeks now and although it's still bubbling at the airlock it's been stuck at around 1.021 for 4-5 days now. It doesn't taste particularly sweet but it's still cloudy. It's been a bit colder than I'd have liked between 14-16c and I'm worried the fermentation might be stuck. I'm not sure it's finished because of the cloudiness and the airlock still bubbling twice a minute. I don't want to bottle it in case it explodes but can it be ready? that seems like quite a high FG, when the OG was 1.050. I should also mention that I've wrapped it in a couple of heavy blankets but i can't seem to keep the temperature where I want it, it still falls to 14-16.

help! :?
Keep it warmer say 23C with exterior heating or blankets etc and give it a couple of more weeks.
I have an immersion heater that I could sterilise and either place into the FV or submerge it in a bottle of water and keep that tied to the FV. I'm thinking I may have to invest in a brewbelt, my flat is freezing :/
I just purchased a big tub from Wilkos £7, and an ebay aquarium heater £6. Put the FV inside the tub and fill with water and plug in/install the aquarium heater. Ok the heater has to be set a couple of degrees above where you want it to work but it seems to do the job nicely.
I had same problem a couple of days ago with my Better Brew Stout,My advice is get yourself a heater belt from your local stockist,i will never do without it now.
I gave it a light stir to lift the sediment to re-activate the yeast and put the heater belt on about 2 inches from the bottom,my temp is now at a steady 26c and through the cold nights drops to 22-24 and its bubbling away great now.
My SG reading stuck at 1016 for over 24 hrs and it was due to the low night time temps in my kitchen,tested SG this morning and now at 1014 so all fermenting good on day 10 now and according to the packaging its time to barrel,Ignore what it says onthe packaging and go off your Hydrometer readings,I got the info off the guys on this forum 2 days ago myself and glad i joined,will learn a lot on here,hope ive pointed you in the right direction for you and let us know how you get on in a few days..But invest in that heater belt,its a must mate...Good luck :cheers:
a steady 26C,,,, that's a little too warm, lift the belt up the bin a few inches... you will end up making headache juice
Cheers for that,I wasnt quite sure if it was too warm or not,just moved it up so its approx 5" up... :thumb:
I moved the FV to the living room thinking it would be warmer but it's fallen to about 14c so I invested in a brew belt, should i keep it mid way up on a 25l bucket? Also, should i disturb the yeast or just leave it? it's still bubbling atm.
sent you a PM mate
Symmetry said:
I moved the FV to the living room thinking it would be warmer but it's fallen to about 14c so I invested in a brew belt, should i keep it mid way up on a 25l bucket? Also, should i disturb the yeast or just leave it? it's still bubbling atm.

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