Stuck brew (1st one) - should I bottle?

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Jun 18, 2012
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Whurr the ol' M5 crosses the ancient M4...
My first stuck brew. It was a sarah-hughes clone with a lot of crystal and mashed at 67.

OG was 1.052 and it went down to 1.020 and stayed there for a week. I tried the usual, upping the temp to 22°, giving it a good but gentle stir, and then adding a sachet of S04 to try and shift it.

Result? After another week....1.019.

Could it be that it's just gone as far as it's going to? If so, would I be best off bottling it, but with little or no priming?
In my mind thats a bit too high for bottling and is risky.
Keep the beer warm and clean for a few more weeks.
With that amount of crystal in it and the high mash temp I would say that that would be quite cloyingly sweet at that gravity though I may be wrong. Personally I would want it to drop to 1012 or 13, though because of the recipe it may not go lower than 1014-15.
Think I'll go with the secondary idea. I've got a 19L water-cooler bottle that has a tight-fitting bung/airlock, so as long as I properly sanitise it first, I shouldn't risk contamination too much, and it'd free up the FV/brewfridge. It'll also fill it well, as I reckon there should be around 19L there once the trub is taken into account.

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