Strong IPA?

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New Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Whilst holidaying in Norfolk a couple of years ago, I had the joy of sampling a local brewed Wherry IPA which came in at a massive 7.1%. I can't remember where we had it (not surprising I suppose :drunk: ), but it was at a pub where the landlord was giving out samples and warnings before selling! He explained that the original IPA would have been of a similar strenghth due to export needs (to keep it fresh).

Can anyone suggest how I might brew such a drink with my limited one can brewing knowledge?

Thanking you in advance,
You could try buying say two coopers ipa kits and using both cans and sugars to make 5 gallon.
Vindiv8 said:
You could try buying say two coopers ipa kits and using both cans and sugars to make 5 gallon.

This, or just buy one and make half the amount of beer! you could also try adding your own hops and experimenting with fresh ingredients!
Rhinopig said:
He explained that the original IPA would have been of a similar strenghth due to export needs (to keep it fresh).
Well as IPA's were aged in cask for 12 months before being shipped to India . . . how 'fresh' would it really have been?

To brew something from a kit perspective. :hmm: :hmm: You would have to look at something like the Design a beer range from Hamstead homebrew. Probably going for 4 tins of DAB Base 2 - Light And boiling one of them with 100g of goldings for 60 minutes in 10L of water, before straining and making up the kit to 5 gallons with additional water. . . .pitch a couple of sachets of DAB yeast.
Im ready to bottle my first John Bull I.P.A, i have only made 20L instead of the reccomended 23L, so my FG is 1.004, which will give it 5.3% Abv, which im happy with as the guy at my home brew shop said i was looking at approx 4.5% Abv. So by doing it with 3L less water i have gained approx 0.8% alcohol.

That kind of talk frightens a young greenhorn!


Thanks for the tip.