Strawberry Beer

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New Member
Feb 10, 2012
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If anyone has any advice on brewing strawberry beer, it would be much appreciated, though id give a go at brewing some of my own but in all honesty i have little experience in brewing beer in general, so the smallest thing will be a massive help!
I have only done fruit beers with a cheap lager kit, two flavours, raspberry and pineapple.
Not sure what you are after. In terms of method I put fruit from a couple of cans into a straining bag and secure it in the FV from the beginning. I strain off the juice first, the fruit is quite soft so doesn't need any further treatment (also sterile coming from a can). This will add some extra alcohol, flavour and colour - red fruit are preferable for colour. Let us know what you go for.
it just with a cheap beer kit, i'll check out some of the videos on youtube, as i said, im really clueless how to do this, so i appreciate the help!
I dont recommend using fresh strawberry juice, as the main problem is the colour. It oxidizes (sp) really quickly, leaving a rusty/dirty brown colour. Look at strawberry extract, but stay away from strawberry essence as this is a bunch of not very nice tasting chemicals
Thanks for all the advice, are there any other fruits you would suggest? I saw somewhere someone tried pineapple. I wouldnt mind trying that out as well
abeyptfc said:
so would pineapple work? no-one has commented on that yet :D

I have done pineapple with a lager kit, where the acidity is not too critical. The flaour is very delicate though and there is no colour. From memory, I added a large can of pineapple chunks, about 500g, brewing half a 40 pint kit (might have been Geordie lager). Used a straining bag in the FV to avoid bits in the bottles. It also added some extra alcohol but I can't tell how much. Worth a shot. Why not split a can and make 20 pints of two different fruits each to see how it comes out. Essentially you are adding additional fermentables and some flavour & colour (red fruit).
I've done 2 Strawberry Lambics in the last 12 months, the flavour, I've found, is the easy bit!

I basically brewed a fairly bland base beer with pilsner and wheat malt, with honey in the boil and really lightly hopped with saaz to about 1.060 and then added 2kg of mashed strawberries and some of the Wyeast Lambic yeast to the secondary ferment then left well alone for 3 months.

I've found this will give you a lovely smooth, tangy strawberries and cream taste but with the colour of a wheat beer. I'm fairly averse to using colourings, so I may experiment with some juice next time.

Although, given each batch (with 2 months bottle conditioning) takes about 6 months to get round to drinking, I may forget all about it by next time!
I know its slightly off topic, but if you ever want to give a fruit beer a go, but you are unsure why it my turn out like....

I went to beers of Europe once before and bought plenty of weird and wonderful things. They stock all sorts of different fruit beers, bit of a trek depending on where you are in the country, but it might save you ruining a 40 pint batch. They do mail order too
you made me think about doing a whaet beer all grain with strawberries now :clap: think i may do a 60% pale wheat 35% pilsner malt and maybe 5% cara munich malt with as stated 2kg of crushed strawberries , my only thought is should i chuck strawberries in from the off or should i leave out till fermented then chuck em in 2nd fermentation vessel and leave for a while , think i may chuck em in from the off as wheat beers dont like hanging around toooo long may pass there best by date for drinking :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: