stout ...adding coffee..?

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Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Brewing in a bag ,in Northampton
i have just made up an edme stout and will add some unrefined brown sugar ...

can i add some coffee at this stage .. :?
im presuming it would carry through into the final taste.

heres some pics of the krausen


i then removed some of the thick gunk...

Yes coffee works well in stout. I made an imperial stout with coffee and it was really nice, it's supposed to work because the way they roast coffee beans is almost the same method as it is for roasting the grains. Will get back to you later tonight when i'm at home and have my brewing notes for methods and quantities.
I believe that Darkstar use whole coffee beans. If you are going to add beans then I would add to secondary then taste daily to find the perfect amount of coffee brfore racking off coffee and intobottles/keg
I used a cafetiere of hot fresh coffee when mixing in the stout kit and hot water and it turned out nice but had quite a bitter aftertaste, I also used black treacle at the time though so maybe this caused that.

I've just done a dark velvet stout and added cold fresh cofffee to the boiled sugar water in my barrel before transfering over the brew from my FV. Tried some after a week and it was lovely. I used treacle and some brown sugar as fermentables initially

munkian said:
I used a cafetiere of hot fresh coffee when mixing in the stout kit and hot water and it turned out nice but had quite a bitter aftertaste, I also used black treacle at the time though so maybe this caused that.

I've just done a dark velvet stout and added cold fresh cofffee to the boiled sugar water in my barrel before transfering over the brew from my FV. Tried some after a week and it was lovely. I used treacle and some brown sugar as fermentables initially


i may add it to the fv ,just b4 bottling ... :hmm:
Yeah, Don't make the coffee with hot water or you'll get that bitter, stale aftertaste.
Best to cold steep the coffee or add the beans directly to the FV.