Right, done my reccy, found a loverly amount of elder trees!!
Question i want to ask....... :wha: :wha:
Is it possible to Dry Elderflowers like you can Herbs?? :hmm: (i usually pick the herbs and dry them in the microwave, stinking the house out in the proccess!!!)
If not, can they be frozen and if so, will this affect them in any way as its going to introduce water :hmm:
Question i want to ask....... :wha: :wha:
Is it possible to Dry Elderflowers like you can Herbs?? :hmm: (i usually pick the herbs and dry them in the microwave, stinking the house out in the proccess!!!)
If not, can they be frozen and if so, will this affect them in any way as its going to introduce water :hmm: