stock pot

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I haven't used one and they are the centre of many brewing discussions but from what i read they are perfectly fine :thumb:
the old aluminium debate eh?

if it is big enough use it if not don't I used aluminium pans for years and there's a bowl of petunias that need watering :lol:
I use a 75l aluminium pot. Cheaper than steel and easier to cut.
Slight metallic taste in the first brew but then nothinhg like it in the 14 subsequent. to be honest the metalic tang could have come from the copper or brass fittings or hop strainer or IC as it was the first use for all of it.

re the aluminium / dementure / alzeimers argument - have a read on the net and you can see it's cr*p.
woo hoo coleman coolbox arrived today alloy boiler on the way and made wort chiller last night
soon will be into first ag brew day
all the gear no idea ha ha
just hashing together a simple recipe to make cheers ktg
all the gear is now at home
i have tapped the coolbox and made a filter for it
should i tap the boiler or just syphon out ? if i tap i can filter that too
had to laugh the hob on ma cooker could not boil 20 litres i think i need a tar boiler
Kermit The Grog said:
should i tap the boiler or just syphon out ? if i tap i can filter that too
I use a 60 litre aluminium pot, picked up for £5 from a small local auction. :thumb:
No problems with any taint. Ideally yours needs tapping and a hop strainer fitting.
It doesn't quite fit over all 4 burners but works great on 2.


Kermit The Grog said:
had to laugh the hob on ma cooker could not boil 20 litres i think i need a tar boiler
Did you have a lid on the pot? This will help significantly :thumb:
{Stands Up} "My name is Jon and I'm a Metallurgist :D
Can we please lay to bed the idea that Aluminium (that'll upset the American search engines 'cos I spelled it correctly :grin: ) is in any way detrimental to health :thumb:
Aluminium oxide is one of the most inert substances that man has discovered :thumb: and even if you scrub an aluminium pot until you can see your face in it using a Brillo pad, within pico seconds it will have a molecule deep layer of Al2O3 which will only deepen with time and protect the surface again :D
OK it aint shiny but on the plus side it isn't plastic :whistle:
no lid at the mo
the coleman box lost 5c over two hours 50 litre box 15 litres hot water
most heat went through the tap . so need to insulate that bit
making filters for both box n boiler tonight
thank's for all advice you guy's :thumb:
aiming to try first brew this weekend :pray:

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