Sterilising bottles

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
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Just a wonder with it would be ok to clean and sterilise my bottles a few days before actually bottling the beer.

Would covering the open tops with cling film be ok or would you advise just sterilising these again.

Also if i can do this, can i also prime the bottles as well as long as i cover the tops again.

Just thinking of a time saver.
I seem to recall another discussion to this recently and some do sterilise & cover ready for use.

I have now moved to cornies but used to have all my bottles cleaned & when I was ready to use I sprayed them with a no-rinse streiliser (i used videne but there are others available). That way you know they are steile when you use them and it only takes 10 mins to do.

Have you thought of batch priming?
I clean bottles when I have finished with them or when I get new ones in then Prior to bottling I clean them again in oxy then on botlling day I have a 2 gallon bucket with videne and I just give them a dunk and a swill as I am bottling. :thumb: