Sterilisation - Do you have to rinse botttles?

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Captain Monkpuss

New Member
Nov 5, 2013
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I sterilised my glass bottles with sodium metabisulphite but didn't rinse them with fresh water before bottling my beer. Is this a probelm? I drained the bootles fully, standing them upside down.

I've read mixed responses to this issue online. Some say it's not a problem. Some say it's fine with wine but not beer. I'm scared I've ruined my first brew! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Captain Monkpuss
A light SodMet residue won't do any harm whatsoever :thumb:

Welcome to the forum :cheers:
yeah it's fine. I usually rinse to get the smell out, but not rinsing will probably keep it more sanitary if anything. beer they are talking about the sodium metabi stalling any chance of carbonation by affecting the yeast. that's just not a real issue at all, don't worry :lol:
Thanks everyone for your replies. That's put my mind at ease cos I've been getting really excited about my first brew!

This forum is effing great! :thumb: