Starting gravity?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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What governs the starting gravity please?
I have read read posts where people say they have got the SG up to say, 1050
The brew that I have just done seemed to be only about 1030, is this right?
That sounds really low - did you give it a good stir?

What are you making?
I used the recipe from the LHBS for a TT lanndlord type, 250g of DME and 500g of brewing sugar with some infused grains, not sure of temp when I tested but it would have been cool, it's been fermenting nicely for a few days now.
Yes I did give it a really good stir before the yeast went in.
Popspicker said:
I used the recipe from the LHBS for a TT Landlord type, 250g of DME and 500g of brewing sugar with some infused grains
... and what else?
Was that added to some sort of base kit?
What volume?
Rule of thumb - every sugar that you didn't convert yourself (malt extract, brewing sugar, supermarket type sugars) will definitely be in there, so get it on a calc and see what your OG is. My OG always comes up around 1.030 due to stirring, but it's definitely closer to 1.055 when I'm drunk after 3 pints :party:
Popspicker said:
Sorry , this is patchy isn't it
I did 20L
20 litres, from 250g of spraymalt, 500g of sugar, a few other grains, boiled with some hops?

Sorry mate, this ain't going nowhere.

Tell me there's a zero missing from the spraymalt :pray:
Popspicker said:
I used Five bags of DME
That's my missing zero, so you used 2,500g of DME ?

Thanks for that, I'm out of here now as I've never brewed extract.
So come on you extract brewers, what sort of OG should that have given?
Thanks Moley

Just realised I missed the all important 0 :oops:

Thanks for rallying the troops mate
Assuming your grains were steeped and no conversion took place, you should have around 1.058 OG. At 1.010 FG, that'll be 5.6% :)

Nothing to worry about at all. Like I say - if you chucked 3kg of sugar in there, it's in there for sure.
Thanks Rob
Woo Pretty potent then.
That's reassuring mate, have I read the hydrometer wrong then?

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