I've been using Chemsan for my past two /only two sessions, but my ordered test strips have just arrived. I mixed had mixed the Chemsan in a measured 10ml to 1 gallon tap water, in small plastic FV with a lid, filling a spray bottle from the FV. Keeping the FV lidded, except when in use. They liquid has remained perfectly clear throughout.
Reusing clean wine bottles, but of unknown origin, I washed them thoroughly in Wilco Oxy Plus and hot water, rinsed thoroughly then steralised. New caps and new Cooper pet bottles I just steralised / sanitised, by simply dipping them in my FV, letting some solution get inside, then swilling it round inside, before standing upside down to drain. All equipment was either sprayed or dunked in the solution and quickly drained before use.
My test strips arrived this morning, so I checked my still perfectly solution. It appears to show below 3, so I will keep the solution a while for the next batch.