any body using one of these thinking of getting one :thumb:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stainless-Ste ... 3ccb59b00f
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stainless-Ste ... 3ccb59b00f
if your talking about pumping the runnings through it tazuk I'd seriously give that some thought. Standard plate chillers (using the term loosely) should have a pre filter which prevents anything bigger than 0.5mm getting into it, for my GPHE it's 0.25mm. With hops there's some 'give' as they're loose/floppy/thin so they can be used without a pre filter (carefully) but with grain it's another matter as it's solid and I wouldn't risk it.or heating in conjuction with a HERMS system.