St Peter's IPA - New Brew

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New Member
Dec 21, 2010
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This is my first ever brew, so far my St Peter's IPA is in the barrel, waiting for secondary to finish. I was wondering if someone could answer a few question please?

1. I forgot to take a reading when I started and do not know the OG of my St Peter's IPA, does anyone know what this is? (no information on the packaging and I cant find anything on the internet)

2. If the beer is clear before 14 days, is it OK to drink? Will it benefit from wating a bit longer? I'm trying to decide whether to start dispensing on Christmas day (12 days in keg) or wait until new year.

3. Is it best to pour gently? I tested it last night and it came flying out of the tap, very very frothy indeed! Is this a good sign?


Hi Nic,

I always fancied this kit (and may still do it in the future so would be interested to hear how it turns out).
In answer to your questions;

1. I think the expected abv for this kit is 5.5%, so using the calculator (above) on this site I would say the OG would have been around 1.051 and you should try to ferment down to FG of 1.010 (which would give you 5.4%).

2. It's always ok to drink! Although every brew will improve with a few weeks conditioning.. for my kits I usually found that they were best enjoyed after 4-5 weeks... but few lasted that long! The trick is to get another kit on straight away so you have a roll over of your stocks... eventually you will no longer have to drink your beer young. :thumb:

3. Not sure on pouring from a barrel, sorry. Someone else will come along and answer for you.

Good luck
Thanks alot,

I'll post some thoughts when I get round to having a few pints and of course the opinions of everyone else drinking it too. Plus what state they end up in........

I tested my sample yesterday and it was 1014, so not long to go hopefully.......

I did have a leaky tap after a few days, but I read somewhere that some cheap taps leak when the lever is fully twisted round. I set it to 90 deg and it looks like the drips have stopped (I'll find out tonight!). I was worried there was too much pressure in there, but the frothyness seems to be OK from the sound of it.
Hi Nic,

Can I just check... are you talking about the fermentation vessel tap? or the tap on your barrel?
Do you plan to transfer to a secondary fermentation vessell once its down to your desired gravity, or directly to keg/bottles?
I've already transferred from primary to a barrel for secondary, I'm now waiting for the beer to finish secondary and clear.

The tap is the one on the barrel. It was part of a kit, so I think it maybe a bit on the cheap side.