Spunding Without Spending

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Dec 1, 2017
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First of all go round your gran's or an elderly neighbours and steal the lid from their pressure cooker. The extra knowledge of knowing they'll be going "Well nobody would just steal the lid, we'll just keep looking." is an added bonus and tends to throw off them suspecting anything.

01 Spundo 20200804_170500.jpg

Unscrew the bit in the middle and throw the lid into the canal.

02 Spundo 20200804_171029.jpg

The middle bit screws completely, amazingly well straight into a bit of 3/8" pipe - now that's forward thinking from the boffins at Tefal.

03 Spundo 20200804_171224.jpg

Set up an elaborate funfare for the escaping spund gases - if you employ some cheap marketing like getting some Simpsons branding then you'll have the appropriate weights needed lining up to ride your Spundercoaster!

040 Spundo 20200804_172153.jpg

You can easily spund at 5, 10, 15 psi - but wait, with the addition of blobs of blue-tak you could do anything in between!

If I had won the Brew2bottle fermentasaurus giveaway - which, lets's face it, you all knew I should have - I'd have employed this fun device as part of my marketing strategy. But ohhhhh noooo, somebody else had to have it.


Unlike this little gift to the world.

If you'd prefer an easier way of using this spunding system you could attach a schrader valve (stem taken out) to the lid of vessel that can take the pressure, attach the pressure cooker stem to lid, then using a bit of pipe have a spundo-lock. It would look like this :

05 Spundo jar 20200804_183447.jpg

3/8" pipe also screws onto schrader valves airtightly - well done to the forward thinking inventer Mr. August Valve.
Unscrew the bit in the middle and throw the lid into the canal.
Hi Mr Ula or may I call you Drunk?, may I ask a quick question? Aw well here goes anyway, I loves my granny Beer and was wondering if this experiment would work if I just stole the middle bit as our canal is full at the moment (bloody council cuts) I know I could take it to a neighboring canal.......hey sorry for waffling, could you keep me informed please. athumb..
Without stealing from a granny or choking the canal with rubbish, to make a ghetto spunding valve, just use a rubber band over the end of the blow off tube. Trial and error to how tight the rubber band is to the pressure, I did try the finger from a nitrile glove but but found it didn't take much pressure to blow a hole in it.
Couldn't you just replace the spring in the kegs safety blow off, with one that is less stiff?
our canal is full at the moment
That's modern life for you. I recently underwent a silmilar procedure.
I did try the finger from a nitrile glove but but found it didn't take much pressure to blow a hole in it.
That's modern life for you. I recently underwent a similar procedure.
I can tell you aren't bitter in the slightest.
IBU now means "I'm bloody unhappy about all this..." it goes on for quite a long time post ellipsis with quite a few valid points about merit, expectation, ability, but for brevity and the sake of international standards a three letter code is maintained.
Couldn't you just replace the spring in the kegs safety blow off, with one that is less stiff?
Is that a cryptic crossword clue, my sleeper unit activation sentence, a quote from When Harry Met Sally, one of See-Threepio's suggestions on how to re-engage the hyperdrive... or.... are you just coming onto me?

You had me at 'blow off', by the way.
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At last, a spunding without spending, so simple, which most innovative ideas are. A pressure relief valve of factory set values. 15 PSI and 10 PSI no other valve required. Also no gauge required either, and cheap. I think if one wanted to go lower then snipping a piece off the end of the spring would work.
No worries about cleaning the diaphragm or poppet vale and no worrying about anything entering the gauge. Will get some photo's.