Splitting a Brew - advice please

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Dec 27, 2012
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I've just bottled a full batch 23l of Festival Landlord, I don't mind it OK its tedious but that's the worst of it, but I'd like to split batches half in bottles and half in ??? Including Lager.

I am going to have serious storage problems if I stick to all bottles so I've been looking at barrels, iBrew and so on, but I'm not able find a solution I'm happy with.
Cornies are out of my price range, barrels and 5l mini kegs apparently don't do well with Lager, IBrew is a handy dispenser but the beer/lager apparently has to codition with the tap assembly fitted......... No ideal solutions :( that I know of.

I know I can use a few 3l Coke bottles but I don't want to drink 3l at a go so I'm appealing to the collective wisdom of the forum, what is the best solution to my dilemma?

Thanks. Aamcle
good research, but unforunately thats many peoples problem, there is no ideal solution-
i believe there was a system using 5l pop bottles that u could add co2 to like a small but tough pressure barrel, but this was a bit overpriced and went through alot of c02 comparatively, cant find a link atm but probs still out there
my advice,stick to ales, put it in a barrel and once it runs out of c02 reprime with new yeast and bottle, job done
Hi aamcle,
I also bottle some of my batches and "keg" the rest in 5l Mini barrels. I've never kegged a lager in a mini barrel but I don't see why the kegs won't work with a lager - commercial breweries use them to for their premium lagers (latter two words used very loosely). CO2 consumption is costly with the mini kegs - relative to CO2 use for corny kegs but there are alternatives to the CO2 bulbs.

I think the only other option would be the small cornys but they are bloody expensive!
I've phoned and asked about the iBrew and apparently you can condition and even carbonate in the bottles then gently remove the cap and replace it with the tap/injector assembly.

Unfortunately they are hard to get hold of, they will apparently work with Lagers as well as Ale :-) I want one:-)

1L bottles from morrisons? 3 for a pound with pop in them I think. 23L will cost you about £7 and you can reuse them, drink 1L at a time and carb all you want.

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