Baz Chaz said:
I'm rather partial to venison, but I've seen the damage you can do to your car running into one of these things, it's a fair old mess
I have a great true storyfrom my time living on the west coast of Scotland
Two local lads Donald and Rory were driving along the road back from Inverness after a bit of clay pigeon shooting, when a huge 12 pointer stag jumped out in front of them. Donald swerved to avoid it but inevitably hit the stag. After stopping to ***** the damage they found that they hadn't done to much damage so all was good, but wondered what to do with the dear carcass in the middle of the road?
Being unable to pass up an oportunity they decided to but the stag carcass on the back seat of the car. On the way back they decided to stop at a local pub for a quick half as Donald was rather shaken up by his experience. After a quick half they got back into the car and drove off again.
Donald and Rory were busy chatting about the day and the rather large stag carcuss they had in the back of the car, when suddenly two rather large antlers and a baying head appeared behind them. Donald and Rory shat themselves and Donald nearly put the car in a ditch. The stopped the car and got out.
'Whit th' buck dae we dae noo?' Donald said
By this time the half awake stag was rather angry at being couped up and was doing rather a lot of damage to the inside of the old car, as well empty its bowel. Donald, who at this point was wanting to preserve the integrity of his car suggested that they open the back door and allow the stag to escape. Rory on the other hand, who had already decided what he was going to do with his half of the stag suggested that they get the shotgun out and shoot it.
'Ye open th' back duir an' when its it Ah will **** it'
So a plan was hatched. Rory got the shotgun out of the boot and loaded it and Donald positioned himself to open the door.
'Oan th' coont ay thee ye open th' duir an' Ah will ****'.
'Ain tois thee'
Donald opened the door the stag jumped out and
BANG Rory fired the gun.
After the smoke cleared they found the stag had done a runner Rory had missed the stag but managed to pepperpot the side of the car :lol: :lol:
So yes Barry stags do make a mess of your car. :lol: :lol:
This is a true story but names have been changed to protect the identity of the parties involved.