I've always put my spent grain in the compost bin. This was fine at my old house - the bin was at the bottom of the garden, 50 yards from the house.
I've now moved and got one of those round, plastic bins which is quite close to the house - and I've got mice activity around it. They might even be nesting in it, for all I know. I assume that the mice are going for the grain, but what do I do? We get a weekly food bin collection but I can't really put 5kg or so of wet grain in it, can I?
Any suggestions please?
I've now moved and got one of those round, plastic bins which is quite close to the house - and I've got mice activity around it. They might even be nesting in it, for all I know. I assume that the mice are going for the grain, but what do I do? We get a weekly food bin collection but I can't really put 5kg or so of wet grain in it, can I?
Any suggestions please?