So it was -3 last night................

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Green Ninja

Large Member
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
Kidderminster, Worcs.
and the bottles of beer in the garage were still liquid.

Any idea at what temperature I would need to bring them into the house to avoid frozen / burst bottles?


It was probably about the same temp in my garage last night. I've got all my bottles wrapped up in newspaper. They've been ok so far. I'm using the possibility of them freezing as a reason to work my way through them quicker :thumb:
Personally, I'd be concerned at -3degC. If its going to go lower or at least as low I'd get them indoors. Better safe than sorry.
was -7 sheffield all night...I know I was out in it......brrrr

However bottles in a building will be somewhat protected from the lowest temps, and if you can increase the protection by STANDING your bottles on some insulation ( towels sheets and or newspapers) , throwing as much insulating material over them the better.
Beers don't like being frosted so try and make sure your shed /outbuilding whatever is frost protected by using a greenhouse heater ( parafin ) or similar little heater.

We do what we can and most of the time our beers will come through it unharmed, but we can all try and minimise the fluctuations and the lowest temps by taking simple little precautions.
I think you should all send me your beer to store through this cold snap. My cellar still hasn't got below 5 degrees and we've had no snow, down on the "Riviera" :lol:
i used a little oil filled heater under a load of blankets last night turned on really low and it did the job nicely :)
just been out to the garage and a chill haze has taken hold over the bottled stuff that went out there last week.

By comparison, the bottles I left in the kitchen are crystal clear, so I've brought one inside from the cold to see if it clears.

They've only been out in the cold a week, but it is brass monkeys out there.
cheers for the advice guys.

It's forcest to be between -10 and -20 this week in certain areas so I'll be bringing the remainder indoors.

I've also noticed a chill haze with the bottles in the garage but rest assured all mine cleared when brought indoors for a bit with no detriment to taste either.

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