....25 bags of wilko brewing sugar!
Or 2500 of their crown caps.
....25 bags of wilko brewing sugar!
Has anyone here tried freeze distillation? An eisbock is on my to do list but curious if anyone has tried it. Someone mentioned using it as a method of improving a bad brew, but as far as I've read the process enhances all flavours, including the faults, so that wouldn't work. In fact that's the reason why a good eisbock is tricky to get right.
Yes twice accidently when i froze my Lager and Kolsch. The Lager was superb although i think the syphon tube was going a bit slow as it froze. Must of lost 20 to 25% from ice. Second batch must of got infected and i ditched that.
That's really interesting, and the recipe I have says remove about 20% of the volume as ice so you were pretty spot on! Shame about the kolsch though.