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Heal well my friend, having done a fair bit of cycling myself I've been very fortunate that I have avoided collisions and the only off's I've had have been down to ice, mud, gravel or diesel on the road.

95% of drivers are great but there are 5% who try to squeeze past where its not safe or overtake you then turn left across your path or nip in front in a queue of traffic and jam on the brakes, just stupid.

I hope you got the drivers insurance details and had the bike checked over for damage. If you miss work, need to replace clothing/helmet or need to repair or replace the bike that should be covered on their insurance.

I've been quite pleased that I've not see any porthole drivers in a long time round here, but a few years back the police had a big clampdown which seemed to have an effect.
I've not see any porthole drivers in a long time....

we use to call them submariners......... :grin:
Most people will make some stupid mistakes in their life.

Like the idiot cyclist i saw yesterday morning, dressed all in Black with a black back pack on and no lights cycling down the main road in the dim morning light. Alongside him and 2 yards to his left was a 6 foot wide completely empty Cycle path!

And these people breed...........

Most of us, and we all do it, think "It wont happen to me" and one day it does.
I was cut up and knocked off my bike at a rounabout by a motorist turning left who later told police that it was my fault as I didn't signal that I was going straight on at the roundabout. He got done for driving without due care and attention but it left me with deafness in one ear and vertigo and balance problems for life. On the other side of the coin, as a pedestrian, I have twice narrowly missed being run down at traffic lights when crossing on green by idiot cyclists, one a scumbag and one a lycra lout, who obviously thought they owned the road and that traffic law didn't apply to cyclists. You get lots of prats on the road, both on four wheels and on two.
I live near Cambridge and as the misses likes to go shopping there, I get the joy of driving on the roads that the cyclists use. Absolutely hate it, they cut you up, go across the road without looking, cycle in a row of 3 making over taking them near impossible, never wear cycle helmets or high vis clothing, especially in the dark.

Now I'm not saying all cyclists are stupid, as I know a lot of the accidents are a car drivers fault (my dad was in traffic investigation in thenpolice dealing with all the fatal accidents), by my god, the ones in Cambridge are stupid. Especially when they come the wrong was down a one way street them blame you for nearly causing an accident!

Growler, glad to hear you are getting better :thumb:
thanks for all the good wishes

I must say that I ride my push bike like I ride my motorcycle so follow all the rules of the road never go through red lights or go against traffic on one way streets

I do cycle on the pavement in several areas but only because there is no road to use :D and I'm very carefull to give any pedestrians right of way
calumscott said:
critch said:
car drivers are oblivious to motorbikes

No I'm bl**dy not. :x
good for you mate ill make that a bit clearer then MOST are oblivious to motorbikes :tongue:

i drive vans and kid carriers as well as mo'bikes, i see epic fekwittery on a daily basis.....
I work at a certain company that makes bikes and cars,

We have the choice to to a CBT free, and heavily subbed DAS lessons.

Once you know what it's like to be on the bike you see much more when you get back in the car. There is something about knowing how vunerable you can be that focuses you, i think.

Unfortunatly only about 10% of the people here have taken advantage of even the free CBT bit!

Miss my VFR.. :cry: Misses banned me having a bike as other people scare her. Ok so i may have been a bit quick as well but safe at the same time!! :lol:
I'm an old fart on my bikes, but that doesn't stop other people trying to kill me on a regular basis. I just think I'm getting better at spotting them now and taking evasive action.

There *are* good car drivers out there. It's just that most of them don't seem to be on the M32 southbound between 7 and 8 on a morning...
cutnrun said:
Once you know what it's like to be on the bike you see much more when you get back in the car.
Definitely. Spacial awareness, hazard anticipation and checking for blind spots are hammered into you when you learn to ride.
As a responsible cyclist I loath the "ninjas" who cycle with dark clothing and no lights at night. The idiots who hop on and off the pavement at speed and scoot here there and everywhere expecting everyone else to get out of their way.

Equally I detest the aggressive drives who have to get on at all cost to catch up and sit at the next set of lights or roundabout, sooner. The daft people holding their phone to their ear and steering with their knees while they change gear.

Pedestrians are not immune either, often they step into the road without looking or walk into a stationary person while in a world of their own, iPods blearing and/or focused on their phone texting or facebooking.

Of course all of those are in the the minority but nobody ever remembers the good drivers, cyclists and pedestrians; its only the bad ones that are committed to memory.
A stupid cyclist ran into me in Sheffield Town Centre on a Pelican Crossing, whilst the lights were red. Big bruise in my knee where I hit the floor. Unlucky for him I got up first.... ;)
robbarwell said:
A stupid cyclist ran into me in Sheffield Town Centre on a Pelican Crossing, whilst the lights were red. Big bruise in my knee where I hit the floor. Unlucky for him I got up first.... ;)

I hope you asked for his insurance details........oh no, they dont have it,

On dangerous unrestricted roads bikes should be on the pavement (if there is one) failing that stick to minor roads

Why take the risk, a woman was knocked off her pushbike and killed by a BUS in our village recently. No matter who's right or wrong she is dead and nothing will change that. I wouldnt risk riding ON the road i always take the pavement.
Russ146 said:
No matter who's right or wrong she is dead and nothing will change that.

And there is a big problem these days. With all the "where there's blame there's a claim" culture, people are relying on the rules to protect them, rather than their own common sense and observations, and assume they will get a big payout if something happens.

However, you can't claim if you aren't alive.

Stay safe, people.
Well back to work still not 100% but not too bad

Will decide this afternoon if cycling home or using public transport :sick:
critch said:
calumscott said:
critch said:
car drivers are oblivious to motorbikes

No I'm bl**dy not. :x
good for you mate ill make that a bit clearer then MOST are oblivious to motorbikes :tongue:

i drive vans and kid carriers as well as mo'bikes, i see epic fekwittery on a daily basis.....

:) you are right though, I used to cycle a lot in my yoof and, well, you sort of appreciate the others using the space and try not to kill them as the motorists clearly did when I was younger...

Living and working where I do there is a diverse group of road users, the usual motorised transport, farm machinery, pedal and motor cyclists, walkers and lots of horse riders. You really do have to be on your toes on the Oxfordshire backroads!!

As an aside, Oxfordshire horsey people are WAY more courteous than horsey people I've encountered in other parts of the country - they *always* give you a nod and a wave for slowing down and giving them space. :hat:

Next rant then... f***ing pedestrians on country roads!!

WALK ON THE RIGHT - INTO THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC!! FFS!!! That way you stand a chance of living to see your next birthday because you can see what what the traffic on the same side of the road as you is doing and can take action to avoid imminent death, you f***ing muppets!

There, that's better.

EDIT: Glad to hear you're on the mend, Growler!
Russ146 said:
robbarwell said:
A stupid cyclist ran into me in Sheffield Town Centre on a Pelican Crossing, whilst the lights were red. Big bruise in my knee where I hit the floor. Unlucky for him I got up first.... ;)

I hope you asked for his insurance details........oh no, they dont have it,

On dangerous unrestricted roads bikes should be on the pavement (if there is one) failing that stick to minor roads

Why take the risk, a woman was knocked off her pushbike and killed by a BUS in our village recently. No matter who's right or wrong she is dead and nothing will change that. I wouldnt risk riding ON the road i always take the pavement.
Actually home insurance usually covers personal liability so many cyclists are covered that way.

Its a sad idea that the drivers of motor vehicles are too important to be expected to safely encounter other non motorised road users.
calumscott said:
As an aside, Oxfordshire horsey people are WAY more courteous than horsey people I've encountered in other parts of the country - they *always* give you a nod and a wave for slowing down and giving them space. :hat:

I live in Newmarket (it's the home of horse racing in England) and the people that ride the race horses from the stables upto the training heath are very courteous as well, and everyone slows right down driving past them. Normally don't see that happen on most roads any more.

Having said that, the last thing you want to do is scare a race horse, they can bolt at the slightest thing and I've seen one throw the jockey off without even trying, kick several cars then bolt off somewhere!
Jeltz said:
Actually home insurance usually covers personal liability so many cyclists are covered that way...

really?! yours might do, but I'd hardly say 'usually'. In fact there are specialist insurers for cyclists so that if you cause damage, then your covered. the last thing you want is a bill for £15k because you scratched three panels on a Mercedes.
Jeltz said:
Russ146 said:
robbarwell said:
Its a sad idea that the drivers of motor vehicles are too important to be expected to safely encounter other non motorised road users.

I choose to protect my own life rather than leave it somebody to see me and take evasive action.

Cyclists are a nightmare on main roads and should be allowed to use the pavements on main roads for their own protection.

I often get stuck in miles of crawling backed up traffic just because of one cyclist at the front when they could be on an empty pavement. AND 100% SAFE

I wouldnt risk riding on a main road whether i have the right to or not

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