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Apr 17, 2010
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please, with the dark mornings and evenings, keep your eyes peeled for cyclists :shock:

even with my hi vis and reflectors and lights a driver, half awake and who couldn't be bothered to clear his windows properly, managed to punt me across the road this morning :shock:
Hope you or your bike didn't suffer damage ?

Some drivers haven't the sense they were born with.
Hope you are OK mate

I had that once a car pulled out on me on a mini round about and drove off leaving me with a buckled wheel and front forks. Mind you when I went into her I knew it was going to happen so made sure I managed to get a boot in on her door. :lol:
I hate cycling at night - Ironically, I found it quite safe in London where roads are well lit and cars can't use the many bus lanes. There are plenty of cyclists in Cardiff who are determined to ride at night with no hi-viz or even lights!
Hope you're Ok buddy, I gave up the bike when we moved out here into the sticks, narrow roads, no pavements, occasional street lighting, it was no fun any more. Despite wearing dayglo jacket light etc I had a few near misses so decided I'd better give up, I don't bounce as good as I used to and take a lot longer to recover as well :?

WelshPaul said:
.... There are plenty of cyclists in Cardiff who are determined to ride at night with no hi-viz or even lights!

That really is a common problem here as well and when you consider what I've just said about narrow roads, no pavements, occasional street lighting I really do wonder about the intelligence or lack of with some of them (and we're not talking kids here either).
I'm on powered two wheels, but even with the increased width over you, and being head-to-toe in H&S approved reflective hi-vis, I still get the same.

Please car drivers, defrost your car properly before setting off on a journey. Being 5 mins late won't kill you, but trying to recoup those 5 mins by not defrosting may kill someone else...
car drivers are oblivious to motorbikes, so it must be bad for you pedal cyclists!
Growler said:
...... a driver, half awake and who couldn't be bothered to clear his windows properly ...

This would be the same as a neighbour who I saw drive past our house last year with tiny 'porthole' to see through, she could see part of the road ..... got just over 100 yards until she hit the 6 ft high corner of a drystone wall she couldn't see :!:
I wandered down to make sure no one else was involved, her car was a write off :!: mind you, she still doesn't speak to me 'cos I called the local Constabulary (who were pretty quick to get there) and I was most helpful in pointing out the state of the windscreen and the fact she drove past me with it in that state :!: Glad there were no kids walking up to school :!:
Hope your are ok? My mate just got hit today by a white van man :nono: Surprise surprise he drove off
Mostly bumps and bruises my left side took the brunt of it with elbow blowing up like a balloon hip bruised but worst is the groin strain which is making it very difficult to move around fortunately managed to swap a couple of shifts so off Wednesday and Thursday :pray: hopefully will be mobile by Friday
calumscott said:
critch said:
car drivers are oblivious to motorbikes

No I'm bl**dy not. :x

i must admit, being a biker, i have noticed there are two types of road user, those who see everyhing, plan ahead, and are a pleasure to share the roads with and people who see nothing and are a mennace to everyone, this goes for cars/motorbikes/bicycles all equally

its about time we had much harsher penalties for anyone using our road network neglagenty,

forget the current £60/3point system

if i was in charge it would be use your phone, drive with iced up windows, dangerous vehicle defects etc your banned for 3 months, and have to retake your test, do it again and your banned for a year, do it again you go to jail simples

too many people out there who think that using the road is a right and that they are the only one on it that matters and that anyone who gets in the way is a problem rather than just anoher guy trying to make his way to point b


hope you get better soon growler (and sue the ...)
make it simpler, second time you are prosecuted for an offence whereby you get disqualified for 6 months or more. You are disqualified for life.
Would make bad drivers really consider their actions when they get behind the wheel of a killing machine ( for that is what it can become ) and it will help to alleviate the congestion on the roads, help the climate etc etc.
If you can't abide by the rules...don't play the game...catch the bus and let someone more competent than you do it.
A hell of a lot of the problems on the roads come down to the reliance on automatic law enforcement, I reckon.

When I started driving there were bobbies everywhere, just waiting to pop out with a hairdrier and nick you, there were coppers in cars kicking around that would pull you if you looked dodgy, and they would pull you for seatbelts, frosty windows the lot...

...gatso's can't nick you for being a tw@t - only a copper can do that.

...gatso's can't tell you man-to-man tell you WHY you've been a tw@t - only a copper can do that.

...gatso's can't assess the severity of an infringement and take the appropriate action - only a copper can do that.

...gatso's can't provide any element of surprise preventing people being a tw@t where there is no enforcement - only a copper can do that.

...gatso's can't nick that subset cyclists, I'll call them PAFI's (pedal assisted f***ing idiots), who break the law in any number of novel ways - only a copper can do that.


Odd that I've never been done by a gatso, only ever by coppers, yet I'd rather see more coppers... Sh*t, I guess I've grown up... :lol:
At least you have got lights and hi viz. Over the last 3 fridays I have encountered a **** without lights or hi viz on a unlight road. So last week I pulled over and gave him a good shouting too, this week he has reflective arm bands, whoopee :roll:
Very glad your ok! The days when I would ride a bicycle on the road are long gone. Even when I used to cycle back after a day of soloing in Avon Gorge it seemed an unacceptable risk. Cycling on the pavement carries a 30 quid fine, not the death penalty. Cyclists (even the ones with lights etc) are hard enough to see at night/bad weather even after going round the car cleaning all the windows and mirrors. I've gone back to a motorbike recently (18 months) and have found motorists a lot more aware of people on two wheels than they used to be but there are some right idiots out there all the same and the most carefull of us can make a mistake.

Take care
Lots better this morning can actually walk up and down stairs without crying :(
Still getting a sharp pain if not stepping completely straight but so much better :thumb:
piddledribble said:
catch the bus and let someone more competent than you do it.
Competent bus drivers...ha that'll be the day!
Twice i've nearly been hit by double decker busses. Once when the green man showed I started to cross the road - Woman bus driver plowed straight through the lights!
Second time a woman bus driver turning a corner, drove up onto the pavement and nearly flattened me.

It's either bus drivers that are useless at driving or women. Now i'm not daft enough to say that it's women... so it must be bus drivers. ;) :grin:

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