slow fermentation or...

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You are such a rogue Pete! Pub crawl.....can't decide what's for tea...kebab or Indian? It's a tough one! Attempting to iron a shirt atm. ..and get it down to 500 chpsi (cat hairs per square inch).



Yesterday afternoon I was telling a fellow brewer in work that I don't use an airlock or hydrometer. He was amazed about the airlock, but he said he tasted his beer during fermentation. When the yeasty taste has gone, he bottles it.

I put on a Coopers APA last week and actually checked it with a hydrometer.
I was a bit surprised it only read 1038. I've put a note on the FV to check the FG too. Otherwise I'd forget.

I hope you chose the Indian, or was it the Kebab and the shirt is now in soak getting the chilli sauce stains out. got messy. I was a bit hammered to say the least. ...ended up rummaging a curry out of my freezer and crashing out on the settee!
So....should I keg this? It's still making a few bubbles...
Just checked still 1014..
Last edited: got messy. I was a bit hammered to say the least. ...ended up rummaging a curry out of my freezer and crashing out on the settee!
So....should I keg this? It's still making a few bubbles...
Just checked still 1014..

Yes! Go for it ... :thumb:

... in a PB with 50g of sugar, carbonate it for a couple of weeks (check that the pressure is building after two days to ensure that there are no leaks) and then stick it on the shelf in a nice cool dark place until at least the middle of May. :thumb:
Well I've tried this on and off, thought it was borderline going down the sink and struggled to keep the keg cool so basically forgot about it. A trip to the brew shed for a rummage prior to doing an order and I thought..I wonder what that's like now..? Gave the tap a good blast with the starsan and left it for a bit...there's around half a keg left,been kegged since 1st of April. ..totally clear,carbonated and tastes really good! I might try a few later!

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