I popped open a bottle of a Belgian style beer I made in February, mainly to test the carbonation. Since it was OK I decided to do a taste test rather than to recap the bottle and the flavour was OK, but there was a notable aftertaste of solvents - too much ester production?
For some background info, the beer was brewed on 9th of February, bottled on the 28th at 12% ABV, and has been stored in bottles away from the sunlight since then at room temperature.
Is this simply a case of giving the beer more time? I'm planning on opening the batch properly at the end of summer so there's still plenty of time for the beer to mature.
For some background info, the beer was brewed on 9th of February, bottled on the 28th at 12% ABV, and has been stored in bottles away from the sunlight since then at room temperature.
Is this simply a case of giving the beer more time? I'm planning on opening the batch properly at the end of summer so there's still plenty of time for the beer to mature.