Slight issue...

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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Hi, sorry me again.

Ive got a slight issue, in that ive timed it right to bottle my beer before heading home from
University. However, i know that you need to leave it in the warm for a week before
transferring it outside. As im not going to be here to transfer it, what is best?.

Leaving it indoors for 3-4 weeks until im back from the Easter break, or transferring it
straight outdoors.

Thank you.
Well it need at least a week indoors, for me i'd leave indoors - not too hot though till you can get back and put it somewhere cool
the week is only to let the priming take place 4 weeks in doors is fine then pop it somewhere cold and drink
Will it be OK to drink after the 4 weeks, or do I still need to leave it outdoors for a while?

Could I just stand them in the fridge as it has already had 4 weeks?
1 week allows the carbonation to build up through secondary fermentation - 4 weeks won't alter the amount of pressure much (so thats fine) then moving them to the cold helps the yeast to drop out - i think they will be well worth sticking out in the cold for a few days and seeing what they are like.
excellent timing, gets you past the hardest part of brewing ... waiting!

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: