Skimming question.

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Oct 11, 2009
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I brewed a few years ago ( pre-internet ) then had a long break with cheap supermarket beer. My memory of what I did, and why, is patchy but I remember they were dark days and you just had to rely on your own observations in order to learn.

Now I've just started a pale ale off ( basic set up of tinned malt and fresh hops ) and it's all kind of coming back to me. It's sitting next to me plopping through its airlock very happily. Anyway, and this leads me to my question - tomorrow I will do what I always have done, and skim all the nasty bits out of the froth. In particular I will use a sterilised cloth and wipe away the tide mark of dark brown yeast that will form as a ring just above the froth each day. Why do I do this? Well, experience has shown me that if I don't do this my beer will taste rotten. But, after poking around the consensus on the internet now seems to be not to skim. Maybe modern yeast isn't as stinky as the old stuff??? How do you guys approach the foam question?

Kindest regards

Never have skimmed, I think that you are at a greater risk of introducing a problem rather than preventing one.


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