As usual at this time of the year I will be signing off of a few weeks to nip over to France.
This year I have the added excitement of checking out my Prima Donna hop plant; and hoping that she has survived the summer!
We leave tomorrow and intend (weather and fitness permitting) to stay in France until the middle of November.
So, while I'm away, play nicely, be polite to each other and I'll be back sometime in November! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
When I return I expect the following will be ready to drink:
o Low ABV Pale Ale.
o Vienna Lager.
o Pilsner with Cherry.
o A Stout (Coopers + AG)
o A few bottles of Mild.
I know your thinking "It's a hard life he leads!"; but someone has to do it! :lol: :lol: :lol: