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I brew in the garage where I put a 2nd hand kitchen in but it’s a mess at the min so here’s a pic of my wee beer shed.
After years of the fermenter getting in the way for 2 weeks every 6, I finally got around to putting up a shelf and giving it a permanent home
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So as a follow up to this post, I've been tinkering today with a bunch of stuff I bought recently.

To summarise, this setup suffers from the fact that the G30 pump is not really up to the job of pumping wort up 1.5m to the fermenter. It's slow and struggles with the head pressure.

I'm rather pleased with the simple solution I've come up with (I had looked at replacing the pump with a better one, but it wouldn't fit neatly in the G30 enclosure).

So I've joined a simple aquarium pump into the wort tubing.


The wort (water in this photo) comes in from the bottom, and the aquarium pump blows air in from the right. A non-return valve stops and wort going back up the air line and I'm going to put a simple HEPA filter in before the non return valve. Then the wort goes up from the join to the fermenter.

The addition of the air pump actually solves 3 problems in one go.
* It reduces the load on the pump and means it can pump wort up to the fermenter easily
* It aerates the wort on the way through for free (you can see the bubbles in the upper tube)
* I can then use the pump to blow air through the CFC and all tubing after tidy up to push most of the water out and probably if I leave it running for half an hour it'll probably dry out the inside of the CFC, which is normally impossible to do.

I'm really pleased with how it all worked out!
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This thing is basically my whole brew space, though it gets wheeled out on the decking if the weather is nice. I've a shed there ready to be done up for it all but haven't an idea where to begin.

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A simple clamp on the recirculation union's fitting arms to hold them in!
A brilliant solution, thanks!
Typically that is the only union that 'lets go' on my Hopcat and frequently seeps, probably 'cos it's disturbed more than any of the others, and I sparge with its hose too.
BTW, I also like that sparge ball, but my setup wouldn't permit it.
At a regular 85% brewhouse efficiency, I don't see any point in changing from my simple hose trickle sparge practice anyway.

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